Recent content by DarkWinter

  1. D

    guitarist wanted

    Im looking for a good guitarist in London - someone who has played fro at least 5 years and who can play reletively cleanly, withought many mistakes etc. The kind of music i play is along the lines of death met bassistal, viking metal kind of style if i had to label it. also im looking...
  2. D

    Crazy guitar players

  3. D

    Guitar solos

    nice stuff. i agree, you do have some nice phrasing but i think your solos need to build up a bit more to an ending if you get me. maybe try going higher towards the end etc
  4. D

    Your favorite guitarist

    first of all Jari maenpaa is easily my fave. 2nd im sure he could do most the stuff michael romeo can and lastly, to that guy who posted about muhammed, although necrophagist is great, muhammed is not as technically good as jari he even admitted it himself when i was talking to him after a gig...
  5. D

    How to solo

    Its very hard to write a good solo. the others are right of course when they say scales and theory are important but ther are other key things you need to keep in of them is rythm- what kind of feel is you solo gonna have? a slower 8th note feel or a fast 16th not feel(talking about the...