Recent content by DasReich

  1. D

    Mustaine will hire an IT studio professional

    My ex-girlfriend met him once, they spoke in Portuguese and she said that he was absolutely charming. Comparing to Madonna and the Beegees and other non metal acts at the top of their game I expect being 'difficult' is not unheard of, beside, I quite like him when he's snarling and angry...
  2. D

    Worst live sound/gig you have ever experienced?

    Paradise lost at hammerfest, the bass was outragously loud and really uncomfortable even at the back, crap really as that was the band I really wanted to hear. The other bands that day and afterwards were ok, it seems like the headliners wanted to be louder than everyone else.
  3. D

    Andy needs to do a King Diamond record

    Nice idea about a Sneaped 'king album but unlikely. Andy Laroque did the Eastern Front album, they spoke highly of him and his rates are pretty good for such a big name. Not sure if I'd want to change the scratchy vinyl sound of 'abigail' and 'them', but metal church 'the dark' or...
  4. D

    Venom Black metal drums anyone?

    wav file yes please Alternatively if there is anyone else that wants to do an online collaboration on this then i can do guitars and maybe vocals
  5. D


    I like it, everything really works together and seems to have a nice top end sparkle and brilliance to it. The album artwork is good too, but their new image just looks plain silly imo.
  6. D

    Venom Black metal drums anyone?

    Looking for just a drum track, does anyone have this either real drums or programmed that I could have as an mp3 or a preferably a wmv file? :wave:
  7. D

    Hail of Bullets - On Divine Winds

    Great stuff, epic war metal.
  8. D

    Songwriters - what's your standard procedure?

    For me songwriting has to start with a hook, once you have even that ten second riff and a couple of meaningful lines then you can work from that. The initial idea could be a bridge or a chorus or verse, it matters not, usually i won't know what part it is until the song has progressed. I try...
  9. D

    basic electrolytic capacitor replacement?

    I stand corrected, thanks for clarifying that. But I have seen quite a few amps with failing caps which aren't that old. Conversely I've had 70's marshalls still wearing their original power filter caps. There is an interesting article on wikkipeadea about capacitor plague, where a lot...
  10. D

    basic electrolytic capacitor replacement?

    Capacitors only have a shelf life of five years, dodgy caps and scratchy pots are the things to expect on any less than brand new amp, although they often last a decade or more. You can sometimes tell when they are stuffed by looking at them as they start bulging or leaking.
  11. D

    Sneap mixing new Dimmu borgir album?

    I thought Russ Russel did a great job with the Borgir live album, the guitars were so much louder and the whole thing sounded so much more metal than the album versions. Maybe my ears are made of cloth, but that was the impression it made on me. Someone who was closely involved on the...
  12. D

    Modded Tube Screamers : Do they deserve the hype?

    Boss overdrive asymetric, tubescreamer symetrical clipping? would there be an advantage in double tracking with both types?
  13. D

    Modded Tube Screamers : Do they deserve the hype?

    I've got an ultra rare four pot twin chip st9 super tubescreamer, got it over 20 years ago. i've used it virtually every day since then. At the time there wasn't anything like the hype attached to them like there is today, it seems to me a lot of music gear becomes trendy then every man and...
  14. D

    know of a GOOD amp technician midlands uk?

    Anyone know a good amp technician somewhere midlands area uk? Just looking for a service on a jcm800, I know marshall bias the valves a bit cold to prolong their life on new amps, I want to heat it up a bit. If I wanted to do it myself, are there any special tools apart from a mulitmeter...
  15. D

    Roland VS1680 / VirDis setup?

    I love the vs1680 but sorry I can't help you on this, try the roland vs forum, they have nerds there that seem to know them inside out. Just to help you out I have posted your question for you on the vs1680/1880/1824 forum ok?