Recent content by DctrFeelGood

  1. D

    Is "evolution" itself divine?

    Evolution is simply a response to external factors that results in the best adapted (humans, cockroaches, and bacteria for instance) being able to breed which continues this cycle of birth, reproduction, and death. Asking the why is a religious question; science can only explain the how at this...
  2. D

    Howcome so many people still believe in God?

    Your story in no way proves the existence of life after death.
  3. D

    Rambo would bury Aeon Flux in like 4 seconds

    Rambo could own anyone except for the punisher. I especially like Rambo's ability to set up vietcong traps to destroy his enemies.
  4. D


    I plan on seeing them if they go to atlanta, as it will be fucking awesome. Btw sknight, do you post on the atheist message boards under the same name?
  5. D

    OK, Here we go. Get ready to start burning down Mosques

    What kind of retarded school bus driving hag lets a couple of Sand my pals on a school bus? The way I see it the driver should be fired for retardation.
  6. D

    Nile – 03/12/2003 – Live at Whelan’s, Dublin

    I saw nile back in february at Masquerade in Atlanta. They were having some soundcheck difficulties which delayed them playing and lessened the time they had on stage but they eventually fixed most of it. However, you could hardly hear the guitar becuase the drums were so loud. Last time I saw...
  7. D

    favorite tv shows

    Yea harvey birdman is funny as hell. I like Star Trek and Northern Exposure the most out of those listed. Northern exposure because its very original in its plot and star trek because its the best sci fi show ever.
  8. D

    Replacement Fossil Fuel?

    I read something fairly similar to this in Scientific American. The article describes a process where low grade coal that is normally unused can be treated to be usable as a diesel fuel that has lower emissions than current low sulphur diesel. A business has already begun profiting from this...
  9. D

    check out this rock

    Decent, but too derivative of other bands if you ask me.
  10. D

    artificial intelligence

    I think that it is inevitable that computers will gain a semblance of sentience. However, whether the time required to achieve this is one hundred or thirty years depends on the rate of technological development; if theoretical quantum computers are created sentient computing will become...
  11. D


    Well Dolly Parton does have some huge tits which I'd like to pop with a sewing needle.
  12. D

    Black congress woman hides behind her race..

    Agreed, negresses are the worst.
  13. D


    Jurched are you a methhead because your avatar leads me to believe so.
  14. D

    chilling admissions of deadly intent from the late Jacques Cousteau

    I don't think that statement is chilling Billy; I find it to be fairly factual. Although the way Cousteau said it was a bit confrontational it probably is true. What people need to do is stop fucking breeding so much.