Recent content by Deadite

  1. Deadite


    Well, I never said I agreed with much of her "philosophy". She had absolutely no background in any science or psychology and it shows. Yes, very radical, and very black and white, but I still agree with some of her political ideas. And yes, I actually enjoyed reading Atlas Shrugged. I have...
  2. Deadite


    Yes, The Fountainhead is a lot better of a novel than Atlas Shrugged, but I still enjoyed it because I actually found a book that I agreed with on politics. I don't care much for her "philosophy", but I do like the system of government she advocates (Libertarian).
  3. Deadite


    I'm currently reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I read Atlas Shrugged before that and really enjoyed it.
  4. Deadite

    Best prog band ever?

    Even though I personally like Rush and Opeth more, I'm going to have to go with Yes. They are, in my mind, THE prog rock band. Chris Squire is the shit.
  5. Deadite

    Top 10 favourite bands

    Rush Opeth Pink Floyd Yes Led Zeppelin Black Sabbath Iron Maiden Mercyful Fate Children of Bodom King Diamond