Recent content by Deadly Eyez

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    Marylin Manson

    Well, that wasn't for you, but thanks for including yourself. Anyways, I like: Haggard. Theater of Tragedy(old albums) Anathema Hinder Iced Earth Moonspell Savatage Cradle of filth *Some songs*
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    Marylin Manson

    What do you mean by metal noob? It's not like pro, exp,beginner or levels.. It's what you like listening to.. Get lost.
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    Marylin Manson

    I just saw his new album in the store "Eat me,Drink me" Was wondering if it's worth buying, i loved his old song "Sweet Dreams". Anyone already bought this album?
  4. D

    Need some help.

    Hey there. Would someone help and tell me what's the song in this youtube clip? I've been trying to know for like 2 days. Thanks in advance.