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  1. D


    You guys also got a great review from us for the album: :kickass:
  2. D

    Anyone heard Furze?

    I listened to most of UTD when the promo came it and thought it was shit. Not just bad, but intentionally bad, smirking asshole nonsense that never should've been recorded much less signed, produced and marketed as black metal. Just my 2¢ based on a single listen of as much as I could...
  3. D

    Hammers of Misfortune v Slough Feg

    Hammers, in a big way. "The Locust Years" was one of the best metal albums in ages. Review of "The Locust Years" Interview w/ Cobbett
  4. D

    Slough Feg: Hardworlder

    I saw them play some of the new stuff at their CD release show a few weeks ago and the new tracks weren't really hitting me, but the only songs I really liked were the ones off "Atavism" which happens to be the only album of theirs I know, so I think the new stuff felt weak only because I didn't...
  5. D


    I love it when people demand their "rights" to anything while posting on a forum owned, operated and paid for by another person. "You're infringing on my rights of free speech!!!!" "Dude, you're laying naked on my lawn with a confederate flag shoved up your ass. And I have friends over for...
  6. D

    Modern production

    I'm incredibly tired of "modern" productions. Not so much the over-compression garbage (thank you, hip-hop), but the completely unreal sound that so many bands have these days. I don't want to hear a band sound like they're playing in a garage (i.e.: Darkthrone), but I'd like to be able to hear...
  7. D

    Heavy Metal PodCast?

    We have one for Deadtide: It's available on iTune or you can subscribe to the RSS directly.
  8. D

    Blood in the Water, Volume III – Call for Entries

    Blood in the Water, Volume III The war is on, the glaciers are melting and the time is right for another Deadtide compilation. We're seeking out bands and labels looking to give their 2007 releases a nice push for a nice price. We've got a list of bands we're going to reach out to next week...
  9. D

    My Dying Bride "Angel and dark river"

    "Turn Loose the Swans" had a huge impact on me when it was released and I hated "Angel..." when it came out. I waited all that time and got 6 songs of clean singing, no orchestration (the guitars just play the same riff almost all the way through), no violin...I hated it. Then time passed and I...
  10. D

    Lake of Tears - Moons and Mushrooms

    I love the first song ('Last Purple Sky') and most of the rest are solid. It's not "Headstones" or even "Greater Art" but it's a damn sight more respectable than that Sisters of Mercy crap they were doing on "The Neonai".
  11. D review of Novembers Doom NYC show

    Hey everyone, guess I owe an explanation. The only reason I posted the review was because Gwynbleidd was cool enough to get Kyle in the show at the last minute. I figured they at least deserved a semi-positive mention even if the review as a whole was shit. In hindsight, it would have been...