Recent content by DeathByDrums

  1. DeathByDrums

    Working On My First EP

    I've been posting some teaser clips as I continue to work on it. What do you guys think? I'm doing everything myself. Guitars/Bass/Vox/ Drum Programming (I would play them live but I don't have the $ to track them properly, I don't wan't a shitty basement recording)
  2. DeathByDrums

    Question Reguarding DI's and long cable runs

    Thanks I'm currently looking at radials X-Amp, Reamp V 2, and this little labs box.
  3. DeathByDrums

    Question Reguarding DI's and long cable runs

    heh, I've been ordering from redco for years. Good idea about the short instrument cables. Thanks :kickass:
  4. DeathByDrums

    Question Reguarding DI's and long cable runs

    Sorry for the confusion dudes. I was talking about 2 seperate instances. The tracking guitar in the control room through the patchbay feeding into amp in the live room was my main concern. (instance 1) and Tracking guitar using a DI in the live room, feeding an amp in a seperate room to RECORD...
  5. DeathByDrums

    Question Reguarding DI's and long cable runs

    As posted in the gearslutz forum, I know some of you are pretty knowledgeable in the guitar department so here goes... I have a few simple questions. I'm going to be tracking drums with the guitar and bass player in the live room playing with the drummer. However I want to track the bass and...
  6. DeathByDrums

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    In case no one has suggested this yet, this section of gearslutz forum is fantastic for DIY bass traps, clouds, diffusers and any other such panels and acoustic treatment you could think of. I just built about 6 bass traps recently and this forum has helped a great deal. Not to mention the rest...
  7. DeathByDrums

    Help need FAST! SSL 9000 J

    you don't need a recorded track of smpte. The sync I/O will generate code. You just get an xlr to bantam cable and patch into smpte read in the ssl from what I remember, it's been a few years since i've worked on a 9k.
  8. DeathByDrums

    Help need FAST! SSL 9000 J

    Mixing on a 9000J > Mixing in the box
  9. DeathByDrums

    Help need FAST! SSL 9000 J

    If your doing a protools session you have to send smpte out of protools (via sync io)into the ssl then you have to put pro tools online. There is a menu in the ssl that you have to also change (can't remember off the top of my head) That's the first part. The diff automation modes I don't...
  10. DeathByDrums

    Strange happening with mastering...

    u guys need to stop using ur eyes so much and start using your ears. That AILD album is super fucking loud.
  11. DeathByDrums

    Ribbon mic on high gain guitar?

    +1 r121
  12. DeathByDrums

    the new Lamb of God album...

    They just finished all the tracking for the album 2 weeks ago i'm pretty sure. They had a live link streaming video to the control room and had a camera in the live room too. You could hear Chris alder lay down all the drum tracks and imo this album will most likely have a WAYY better mix than...
  13. DeathByDrums

    Top Mixing Engineers?

    andy walllllllllllacee