Recent content by deathfist

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    Full song from Nightmares Made Flesh on

    That Fucking Killed!!!
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    Nightmares Made Flesh

    I'm pretty sure you'll be able to hear it at the end of september when it comes out on cd!
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    Nightmares Made Flesh

    i dont think you really had to make another post!
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    new amon amarth mp3

    and here is the link!!!
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    Album cover and new band pic!!

    been there done that!
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    No logo change!

    i dont think they would change the logo.
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    European Release Date!!!

    Check on the bloodbath website for a picture of the album cover and the line-up.
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    5 Jerks In AA

    no !
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    5 Jerks In AA

    I can think of at least 5 things better than posting on a forum! 1.taking a crap!!! 2.drinking beer!!! 3.getting laid!!! 4.WORK!!! 5.being in a band!!!
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    Now playing?

    Necrophagist - stabwound
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    This thread is retarted
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    guitar EQ,GT5 question..

    I think you'll just have to mess around with it a bit to find the sound your happy with.
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    bloodbath cd

    not really a win win situation!!!
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    Where do u guys/girls come from?

    Im from Australia! i heard one of their songs and got the album straight away.
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    bloodbath cd

    i only ever download songs to see what a band sounds like and if i like it i'll buy it. People that download all their music and never buy cds should die!!!