Recent content by Debbie

  1. D

    Starting Early- Lots to stort through. SHAMELESS I NEED A DATE THREAD!

    Hey, I kinda like that idea! And I'm having a crazy one of my own... Many of us are on MySpace, right? Maybe we can have a new group set up - ProgPower Singles! Think that could fly? Debbie
  2. D

    Who is stayin' at the Best Western/Grenada?

    You really want to be in the same vehicle as Dubya?:loco: Debbie
  3. D

    The sexiest guy at PP5...??

    Unfortunately, the "metal babes" in Wisconsin are all taken or have more baggage than O'Hare International! :) Adrian's a friend of mine, so I bet you're referring to him (or possibly his "hetero life mate", Raven). Debbie
  4. D

    Where's our shameless "I want a date" thread?

    Babs' partner in crime, here...I'm a long-time progmetal fan, first-time forum poster (be gentle with me!) I just couldn't resist this thread. I'd be up for some sort of "singles meeting" at the next ProgPower. Maybe in Earthlink's restaurant/bar between signing sessions? Debbie