Recent content by decayingsorrow

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    k i lied,im not out,adams hardly sayin anything.heh
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    hey,thanks for the welcome Blackspirit & mark*wonders what else to do,heh im out tho,my guy is around luv jess:spin:
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    Welcome Vintersorg Fans!

    hey,im new here,found the site when i was talking to mark/DWD on aim i never really listened to Vintersorg but i plan on checking them out. im 16 from pa(yeah joy pa,...stuck in scranton noless,what kinda luck is that?) umm,..i guess get back to me? dunno, lost,heh
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    hey im new,and dont know where exactly to start. but thats cool with you guys, right?...i only have 3 major is not getting the guy i want. its a long story but too long to explain, 2nd is losing everything i tried hard for, 3rd sounds weird but my worst fear of dying is being drowned...