Recent content by DeepUnderground

  1. DeepUnderground


    I'm a poetry junkie and there's some interesting writing here. panzerfaust666 I think you have the beginnings of some really great poems there. I like this in particular:
  2. DeepUnderground

    Confessions of a (almost) Chain Smoker

    My advice for anyone looking to give up cigarettes is first to move to roll ups. Manufactured cigarettes are full of chemicals (I'm sure many of them are very addictive, in addition to the nicotine). The only downside is can also get psychologically addicted to the process of rolling. I used to...
  3. DeepUnderground

    Anyone else always told to cut their hair?

    I'm female so never told to cut my hair but at school I was made to tie it back, even though other girls didn't have to, because some of the teachers decided my hair was too big/unruly. That surely must be discrimination against people with naturally big hair?! Either way, just play the...