Recent content by Deltones

  1. D

    How do these drums sound...

    Congratulations, you're part of my "Occupy The Zero Reply" day. So here's my contribution to your question. First, just having a drum track without hearing it in context with a song and trying to make an informed opinion on the sound is kind of futile. As it stands right now, I'd never take...
  2. D

    Deathcore-ish mix (DROP G!)

    Well, you are part of my "Occupy The Zero Reply" day today because I think it sucks to have no feedback at all on a forum like this. So here's one observation on the mix. The interesting guitar riff is buried behind the vocals and the less interesting guitar parts where the guitar just follows...
  3. D

    Mix practice: Thrash metal song w/ heavy female vocals

    Great song and the singer kicks ass. Contrary to another comment, I wouldn't quantize the drums more than they are right now. They currently have the proper feel of a human behind the kit and it's a nice change from the ridiculous perfection and even more ludicrous kick drum speed your hear in...
  4. D

    Turning Hateteen - First console mix

    Finally put my new toy to use this weekend, a Midas Venice F32 console. Used a song I wrote about 3 months to put it through its pace with tracking and mixing. Had a blast mixing with this baby and I'm pretty happy at the way it turned out for a first time on a console. Have at it.
  5. D

    Metal - on the sound limit?

    Indeed they are. Indeed it is. That's the thing with modern metal production as far as I'm concerned. If I didn't see the name of the band, I'd wager they were all cut from the same cloth. Say what you will about 80's, maybe early 90's metal production, but you could tell which band was...
  6. D

    Reverb on rhythm guitars?

    Excellent, excellent point. Like one of the poster above, I noticed that some isolated tracks do have reverb on them and wanted to comment on that. But since they are just yanked from a complete mix, that makes your post all the more important.
  7. D

    example of an awesome raw guitar track?

    I'm in the same boat as you, i.e. DIYer. To me, since this is the Andy Sneap forum, the freaking motherload would be if he had the permission to post a short 15-30 seconds raw rythm guitar track from Tempo Of The Damned. No, I take that back, that would be second best. The mother of all...
  8. D

    example of an awesome raw guitar track?

    This. I noticed that there's some kind of confusion when asking about access to raw, unprocessed guitar tracks. A lot of people think it's because you want to copy the artist's tone while in fact, it's just to get the proper point of reference, quality and frequency-wise, so that you don't have...
  9. D

    example of an awesome raw guitar track?

    You and I are on the same mission man. Did a thread on this a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, I think most of the stems that are showing up here and there are after the fact, not before processing.
  10. D

    And Trevoire520 did it...

    I snipped the part about the kick example. It's a good post, but kicks are relatively simple to understand as far as frequency content goes. You know, probably most of the guys here have read Slipperman's Recording Guitars From Hell thread. The part I find the most disappointing about it is...
  11. D

    And Trevoire520 did it...

    I agree that getting it right at the source is 100% correct thing to do. But isn't it kind of a contradictory thing to say that you guys all record DI and re-amp later? To me, that's fitting the source to the rest of the material, not exactly getting the source right the first time. Of course...
  12. D

    And Trevoire520 did it...

    I'm not necessarily talking about a "final" guitar tone (although that would be nice), but more of "tracking/mixing engineer approved" one frequency-wise.
  13. D

    And Trevoire520 did it...

    I think it does, because most of the time, you're not going to have the context. And most importantly, convincing yourself or another guitar player that nope, the sound you or he came up with, while it might sound pretty damn cool when chugging along all by your lonesome, will cause problems if...
  14. D

    And Trevoire520 did it...

    He basically put into words the meaning of my existential crisis as far "get the source right" is concerned. What is a right source? When checking out some of the mixes in the "Rate my mix" forum, the results are always after the fact i.e processing. Regardless of the tone signature (Ex: Exodus...
  15. D

    Dull guitars rock

    Interesting thread. But I wonder if the "All or nothing" proposition of LP'ing (be it a around 6k or at 12k) would not be better served with a not too deep shelving eq that would start around 6k or so, then a dramatic LP at 12k. Would that not be the best of both world, i.e keep some of that...