Recent content by demntoeternity

  1. demntoeternity

    You Lucky Guys..

    YEA! I hope this so!! (: Come here, Turkey!! we are like in the middle !!:kickass: I'll buy all of you guys iskender (delicious turkish food :p )
  2. demntoeternity

    Confused About Turkey

    I am also so content to have ppl like you who wanna get info. and know the "real" Turkey.. I mean beside from the ones showed to you by the TVs..
  3. demntoeternity

    Confused About Turkey

    Aye at first they'll get whatever their parent wish.. But before the only think that you could get was "islam" in that space.. Now people might put the name in what they believe.. or just leave empty.. This is whats new.. And yea ppl will be able to remove/change the space when they are...
  4. demntoeternity

    Confused About Turkey

    As an updated info. now the religion part of the ID can be left empty if requested. Before if the parents were muslim it was a must to have "islam" in the part. Just wanted to mention :)
  5. demntoeternity

    Upcoming Shows & Ararat EP

    Consider it done!!! :D
  6. demntoeternity

    Upcoming Shows & Ararat EP

    Who are you contacting to?? I will gladly flood their forums&e-mails... :muahaha:
  7. demntoeternity

    Upcoming Shows & Ararat EP

    Does that mean that you are not coming?? :cry:
  8. demntoeternity

    Upcoming Shows & Ararat EP

    Aren't there any news yet?? :(
  9. demntoeternity

    Videos of OL

    I've already watched the ones at the webark... Thanx for the ones bro... :) I think I will start learning French; to see what is in your site... So the more you put on your site; the more I learn French!! Keep Going...!! :grin:
  10. demntoeternity

    Videos of OL

    Thanx BC-A; But I don't know any French so when I go to your site I dont understand anything.. I dont know where to look for the downloads.. So if you just can give the direct URL...
  11. demntoeternity

    *****The different Photo Thread*****

    That was the night that I had broken up with my girlfriend... :( Turkey's world-famous Tower... Hagia Sophia..
  12. demntoeternity

    Videos of OL

    Hi all, I am searching for OL videos lately.. but I cannot find much.. If you have some videos (concerts, interviews etc.) can you post them here??? or you can give the URL's so I can download them from there...? Thanks... Orphaned Forever!!!!!
  13. demntoeternity

    *** ORPHANED LAND'S singing in Italian! VIDEO!!!

    I am desperately looking for the Istanbul Show Videos last year!! If anyone has the url adress; please write it here!!
  14. demntoeternity

    Upcoming Shows & Ararat EP

    YAY!!! :cool: :rock: :) :grin: :goggly:
  15. demntoeternity

    Upcoming Shows & Ararat EP

    Hi there Orphaned Land; My question is for the band members... I wonder are there any plans for a Turkey concert in 2005&2006??? I came to the concert at 29 of January this year but I'd love to see you again... I also wonder about the Ararat EP... In the official site it writes 500 copy...