Recent content by demonica

  1. D

    SOCIAL DISTORTION sex love rnr

    is it really worth getting? I saw that it was out and was afraid to even look at it. The first time I saw them live was in 1988, so when I saw a new album out I didn't know if I should be happy or scared to hear what they're sounding like now. I'll check it out if you like it though.
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    Halloween?-Off Topic

    You can trick or treat in Alaska? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah! it was a bit cold, even snowed a little, but still a lot of fun.
  3. D

    Slayer/Arch Enemy releases!

    sixxswine- that picture is great!! :grin:
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    Slayer/Arch Enemy releases!

    I can handle Otep in small doses but after a song or two she just sounds like she's whining.
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    Halloween?-Off Topic

    I took my son trick-or-treating. The first one he actually was able to pick-out his costume, he's 2 1/2. He was Captain Feathersword!! The look on his face when he would get some candy was the best thing I could have asked for!
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    Slayer/Arch Enemy releases!

    Hell yeah!!! I would love to be able to sound like Angela! They are pretty fun live too. There was a "best of" on Uranium with a 'most metal female' catagory. Angela was nominated, but Otep won. I think I would of voted for Angela. Her voice is awesome.
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    NFL 2004 Season

    i'm originally from NJ so the Giants have always been my team. at the beginning of the season i was afraid i'd have to watch them with my eyes closed. kurt warner and the wee manning boy are both big fat babies, but i'm really glad they are doing as well as they are. i was sad to see the...
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    What time is it?

    3:20 pm 10/30. hey, happy birthday btw! 17 was one of my favorite years, wish i could remember more of it.... :dopey:
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    HALLOWEEN music! What's your poison??

    for some reason around Halloween the old punk in me wants to come out. maybe because of the mischief that it inspires. i'll be listening to some Misfits/Danzig, 45 Grave, The Cramps, all while trying to summon the little imps and devils hiding in the shadows.....muhahhhahahahh!
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    Which is your least favorite?

    i would have had to vote for Infectious Grooves, just because i liked Suicidal Tendencies so much, and MOD and SOD are too much fun to listen to for me to consider them!
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    Quite Possibly The Most Off-Topic Topic in UM OS history....

    good for you wicked child! just always remember to be honest and treat her with respect, your personality will take care of the rest!
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    I love you guys!

    i'd like to thank tedvanfrehley for suggesting i check out the OS forum. i've only been here a few days but i think this forum may be my favorite! :grin:
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    presently i'm in Alaska. not much going on here except a lot of snow! i'm glad to have found Ultimate Metal to keep in touch with the music world. there aren't many people around here that listen to metal (or hardcore, or punk, or thrash, or anything but folk really) thanks for making me feel...
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    I'm new to the site, just wanted to say hello! I'm looking forward to spending lots of time here. I love music, horror movies, tattoos, and just hanging out having fun where ever I am. Thanks for the site!