Recent content by DemonOfTheFall-tr

  1. D

    How can i get a pena again which there is an Amon Amarth logo on it.

    yes.i got it from olli too.But i couldn' find it.Do you know anywhere for me to buy the same pick?or how can i communicate with olli? :p
  2. D

    How can i get a pena again which there is an Amon Amarth logo on it.

    hmm ok.i thought it has the same meaning in english.But i dont know the meaning of pena in english.but i can explain.please help me :/ Pena : You use pena while playing hold pena with your fingers.And play the riffs.i think it is clear now.
  3. D

    How can i get a pena again which there is an Amon Amarth logo on it.

    Hi.First of all i am too sad.Because i had lost my 'AmonAmarth Pena'.It was on my guitar.But i couldn't find it.There was an amonamarth logo on this pena.And it has a spiritual meaning for me. Amon Amarth was in Turkey july 2004 for the Rock The Nations open air festival.And they gave me this...
  4. D

    June 29, 2003 - Istanbul, Turkey Rock the Nations Fest Appearence Review

    there are 9 or 10 photos of opeth which i took with my stupid camera.i can send them to everybody who want.but first i must scanned is my e-mail :
  5. D

    Opeth in Turkey !

    beyler burda bile kavga etmissiniz.seviyeyi yerle bir etmissiniz.neyse ki ingilizce yazismiyoduk. :)
  6. D

    Opeth in Turkey !

    Ben daha bilet almadım.Sanırım sorun olmaz di mi?Bu cuma alabileceğim en erken.Bitmesin biletler yoksa fena olurum.
  7. D

    it can be better if it didnt asked as the worst song of the orchid album.

    The song which i liked least is Under The Weeping Moon...
  8. D

    Opeth Song Survivor - Round 2 - Blackwater Park (Vote for the WORST song)

    Its really hard to find the worse.I think all songs can be the best in this album.It depends our mood.But the least best one is Leper Affinity.
  9. D

    My Dying Bride News

    COMe tO TUrkey!!!!!! PLS i wanna see them just once in my life.