Recent content by Desciple of Decay

  1. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    Yeah, I did see Emperor, and that was great too, but after Borknagar I got tired very fast... So I didn't bounce around as much as I would have, had I been fit for it. But that evening was worth every penny I paid for it. And that was almost 1000 sek! So yeah!
  2. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    That was one damn fine evening... Even though I almost fell asleep inside Rockefeller after Borknagar had played, had been up and about way too long. My first visit to Norway, and I liked it. Oslo is a very nice city, even though it got cold as hell when I left Rockefeller to head for the...
  3. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    :) Just ordered my tickets... mmm...
  4. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    Thanks for the info Asgeir. Will be getting a one-day ticket then. Looking forward to this. Rivalling Maiden as gig of the year.
  5. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    After looking closer at Rockefeller's homepage, I noticed that this event is set to take place over two days, and tickets are either one-days or two-days, but the only date mentioned is the 30th. Was wondering if that means it's the 29th to the 30th or the 30th to the 1st? and in either case, on...
  6. Desciple of Decay

    Mattias midsummer activities

    Hehe... Having a gambling problem over kubb would certainly be interesting. Kubb is an old game originating from the vikings, which involves pieces of wood that are thrown about. Ehm. I guess I could explain it further, but I'm a lazy bum.
  7. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    Well, if it was just a club night here where I live, sure. But now it's all the fuss about going to Oslo, paying for bus ticket and concert, with the added risk of not getting in at all.
  8. Desciple of Decay

    Lyrical help from Swedes please!

    Goblin could be translated into Svartalf as far as I know, or Vätte. Vätte would probably be the best, I'd say. And I'll leave the lyrics to Draugen, since he made such a good job on the first ;)
  9. Desciple of Decay

    Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?

    won't be 18 until november... and that really sucks... missing out on a whole lot of gigs this fall... Borknagar, Opeth, Turbonegro, Nile & King Diamond... Any chnce of sneaking in perhaps? Know of any hidden tunnels or ventilation shafts, perchance? Or just a fake id... it'd just be such a...
  10. Desciple of Decay

    Vintersorg at trästocksfestivalen

    This is great news! Last year, after discovering that Vintersorg played at Trästock a few weeks too late, me and a few of my firends decided that we would make a roadtrip to Trästock next year (a lot simply because it is called Trästock - Svenska Woodstock) and now there's a really good reason...
  11. Desciple of Decay


    I am the Eggman.
  12. Desciple of Decay

    The NOW PLAYING thread Part II

    Indeed they are.
  13. Desciple of Decay

    Top-5 favourite bands/artists

    Same as you lot, no particular order... Hard to rank top notch bands... Plus this changes a lot from time to time, different periods have different moods and preferances. But currently; - Dissection - Opeth - Judas Priest - Iron Maiden - Avatar (Check these guys out, promising new band...
  14. Desciple of Decay

    someone get this shirt

    Some people are just nutters... And no, that is not an ice-cream related insult :p
  15. Desciple of Decay

    The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

    Indeedidoo, great stuff! Thanks to everyone who helped get this stuff out, awesome, awesome...