Recent content by DesignYourUniverse

  1. DesignYourUniverse

    Hey fellow metal-heads

    Greetings from the UK! I'm a head-banging female who loves many genres of metal. I also like real ale, tabletop RPGs and video games. I'm a person of many layers, so you'll just have to find out what I'm like in time. ;)
  2. DesignYourUniverse

    How to growl/scream?

    Hey there, To put it into perspective from you, hardly any women can growl properly. I'm not saying this in a sexist way at all, it's just a fact. Unfortunately, our vocal chords aren't designed to produce such a guttural feeling, most of the time. Of course, there are exceptions like Angelo...
  3. DesignYourUniverse

    What music are you ashamed to say you listen to ?

    I'm not ashamed of anything I listen to either. That's just silly. ;)