Recent content by Devin_Damien

  1. Devin_Damien

    Anthrax can suck my cock...

    By the way it was written, it's gotta be from the horse's mouth. If Mr. Wu is Charlie, or anyone in the band for that matter, ashaman's post was replied to incredibly fast. That shows one thing. Care. Most band members would be in a hot tub with a bunch of bikini clad sexpots not giving two...
  2. Devin_Damien

    Now Playing

    Shadows Fall and DevilDriver and Otep
  3. Devin_Damien


    Trivium is the bomb. Heard them the first time on my local Digital Cable Metal Station. Truthfully the channel isn't all bad. This band caught my ear and can only find one song on mp3 anywhere. Can't even find thier cd's. Really good stuff.
  4. Devin_Damien

    Dave Mustaine Spotting!

    Hands down...funniest thing I've seen all day. I don't know if that makes my day dull or what...
  5. Devin_Damien

    ThraxSquad 3!

  6. Devin_Damien

    Gangsta and Porn Names

    Gangsta names! Yeah Boyeeeeeeeeeee! Full name got me: Rank Dirty Gorilla Nickname got me: Sherman Tank G Porn names! Nice! Full name got me: Ricky Fuegobutt .....don't ask Nickname got me: Lex Sticky ....kinda lame I tried some famous people for porn names.....I have too much...
  7. Devin_Damien

    Merry x-mas from Clark Griswald!!

    Shitters full, Merry Christmas!
  8. Devin_Damien

    Attn: Star Trek nerds (everyone will enjoy this though)

    :hotjump: That sounds fuckin sweet. Fill me in on that shit, man. What's thier name?
  9. Devin_Damien

    Vote Maiden Circus Mag Feat of 2003

    Done Deal.......Static-X is gonna win. I like they're old stuff, but their new shit sounds like Korn....even the goddamn vocals! I am appalled however that the battle of the bands voting on that page with Mudvayne vs. Slayer shows Mudvayne with a huge lead. The fans of this mag are...
  10. Devin_Damien

    Most underrated Anthrax album

    Definitely Stomp for me. Random acts and Fueled....amazing stuff. Completely Underrated.
  11. Devin_Damien

    anthrax's rerecording songs getting thrashed

    I'm not going to play into anyone's game here. I'm just going to say that everyone should go and remain on thier respective boards. I think that would make EVERYBODY happy on both ends.
  12. Devin_Damien

    Lone Justice/New album

    I think you all need a pot of decaf or ridalin...whichever is closer... You guys are killin me today.....hahahahahahahahahahaha Long live Draobegassemnikufesin....and long live the Thrax.
  13. Devin_Damien

    back in black,42 million records sold worldwide!

    Funniest thing I've heard all day
  14. Devin_Damien

    Favorite part of an Anthrax concert

    That was a real Douchebag thing to say. 7 posts, huh? Yer not from aroun' hear, are ya boy? GO JUMP IN FRONT OF A GODDAMN TRUCK
  15. Devin_Damien

    What's Up Fellow Fans

    Frank's the shit, If I get as good as Frankie on the bass before I die, I'll die a happy man. Especially if I could play the "Got the Time" bass solo in full speed....hahaha. I could never get the hang of the speed and the technical aspects. Too fast and Too hard! He's the fuckin man! All hail...