Recent content by DFGeneer

  1. DFGeneer

    My newest death metal mix, criticism and advices wanted !

    If it's death metal, the scooped sound is the real deal. On your scooped second mix the guitars sound too thin, so to fix that you may add some on 2-3 kHz and cut some on 5-6 kHz. The drums sound wesome. What are they?
  2. DFGeneer

    Mark IV - Testament Goodness!

    Cool! We have an agreement! :-D I love smooth driven sounds. However, to capture a really smooth sound of my MarkIV (through 1960AV cab) I have to play a bit with the mic placement. It doesn't work straight away.
  3. DFGeneer

    Mark IV - Testament Goodness!

    Might be my poor english, but I wouldn't call this "scratchy". It sounds quite smooth in my opinion. But yeah, smoothness to a big extent is a matter of mic placement. Strange dip in the 500 Hz area. Is it post-processing?
  4. DFGeneer

    Impulses vs actual recording

    Yeah, it's the non-linearities that are missing. Power tube saturation, speaker excursion, air elasticity, etc. They could be "stored" in a impulse response, but cannot be restored by the convolution algorithm, since convolution is linear only. Hence, they corrupt the IR. So, the lower the...
  5. DFGeneer

    Best real amp + impulses clip?

    Yes, thats easy. Definitely 2 is the real one.
  6. DFGeneer

    Comparing and Contrasting The Mesa Heads

    Mark IV is exceptional amp with total control on every gain/drive stage. Well, probably not totally total since they've done the tone controls with only two center frequency positions (these could have been parametrics, ya know? ha!), but still, pretty much total. Just another thing to add to...
  7. DFGeneer

    Marshall 1960A Speaker test, need opinions

    Wow! That's hell of a difference for speakers of the same kind. I can't really say which one sounds better, they are just different. Tough choice.
  8. DFGeneer

    can someone help w/ impulse latency?

    Yes, it is possible that some impulse responses (IR) have longer latency. When you open an IR wav file with an audio editor you will notice that it consists of peak and tail that fades out. The time-distance between the beginning of the file and the peak is actually the latency of the IR. You...
  9. DFGeneer

    Adam A7 , Genelec 8030 orrr Other?

    You may consider Dynaudios as well. Bm5a and Bm6a mk2 are in that price range and deliver excellent performance too.
  10. DFGeneer

    Making own impulses

    I've managed to deconvolve some of them. The problem is they are not synchronized, so one has to add silence in the beginning and the end of the sweep files and remove it later from the impulse response file. Which is a bit time consuming. Overall the impulses sound quite bright. I have...
  11. DFGeneer

    Krank vs.5150 vs. Recto which one do you like best?

    I like Amp2 the most. Very nice smooth compression on the pick attack. I guess this is the Rectifier. My other guess is 5150 is Amp1 and the Krank is Amp3.
  12. DFGeneer

    Making own impulses

    You can as well play a bit your guitar (few seconds) recording two tracks simultaneously: one direct out of the amps preamp (fx loop send) and second the miced cab. Then add 100 ms silence at the end of the miced track and deconvolve them using voxengo deconvolver. This technique is...
  13. DFGeneer

    speaker recommendation for 4x12"

    ^^^Yes, it's true that T75s sound quite different depending on the mic position, but that as well is an advantage, because you can access more different tones with a single speaker. ^As for the 7k-10k range you may have less than 5% of the signal, but that already changes quite a lot in a...
  14. DFGeneer

    speaker recommendation for 4x12"

    What exactly you don't like about the T75s? I guess it depends as well on the voicing of your amp, but to me they have really sweet character. They have more pronounced timbre compared to V30s which I find sounding more "neutral". A lot more "bite" in the 7k-10k range as well. Check the...