Recent content by Dg!Mortal

  1. Dg!Mortal

    Introduce yourself here

    No I don't have to be careful for listening to Katatonia cuz I Live with my headphones :p I see you are fimiliar with farsi, that great ;) Yes, The censorship here is needless to say, no foreign music can be played here in native tv (except some voiceless classics) as well as The...
  2. Dg!Mortal

    Katatonia lyrics (meanings behind them)

    Btw you've got all you'r 4k posts with spamming like that^^ ?
  3. Dg!Mortal

    Katatonia lyrics (meanings behind them)

    Jonas won't explain his lyrics here for sure, because if he explain here then it proves that he failed at transfering the poem concept to audience and thats a weakness in poetry. If we can take many different meanings from a lyric, its a success for him cuz thats what he wanted.
  4. Dg!Mortal

    Introduce yourself here

    Yeah, Metal is very unknown and infamous here, Cuz very few can understand it, But I am an exception :cool: I listen to katatonia since lfdgd.
  5. Dg!Mortal

    Introduce yourself here

    Hello This is Ali from Tehran-Iran, a insane katatonia fan, one who's life is very oriented on katatonia music. I am you'r addict, You changed my life. Hail Katatonia
  6. Dg!Mortal

    vote for your fave song off the album/single

    Journey Through Pressure Cuz it sounds heavier and is more katatonic
  7. Dg!Mortal

    Solo play song

    Hi I am a guitar player (Beginner), I want to try playing katatonia songs by myself (From tabs of course) btw I wonder which songs of them are suitable to be played solely and are easier for this purpose, I tried for funerals to come and it rocks, any recommendations would be appreciated.