Recent content by Dick Rott

  1. Dick Rott

    Best web site in world

    I see that you already have! :grin:
  2. Dick Rott

    THE BIG QUESTION - Black vs. Death

    x2 I do enjoy early CoF, Emperor, Mayhem ect. Alot of the best stuff came out in the early 90's. But 90% of what I listen to is Deathmetal.
  3. Dick Rott

    Best web site in world
  4. Dick Rott

    10 essential death metal albums I MUST own!

    Crytopsy - None So Vile (all hail lord worm!) Deicide - First three (deicide, legion, once upon the cross) Morbid Angel - Covenant, Altars of Madness, well....all of them but heretic, which is their worst. Suffocation - Pierced from Within is a MUST!!! Also get Effigy of the Forgotten...
  5. Dick Rott

    10 best Death Metal bands

    Go up top of the webpage, and click "user cp" (user controll panel). Then add an avatar. You can select ones they already have (lame), or add your own from your comp or a website.
  6. Dick Rott

    Albums that need to be rerecorded or remastered?

    Thats the album I meant :P
  7. Dick Rott

    Albums that need to be rerecorded or remastered?

    Didn't say they needed to clean it up to sound like the black album. KEA was produced perfect for the album. I just think they should add some bass (that you can distinguish); while leaving the overall sound and feel alone.
  8. Dick Rott

    Albums that need to be rerecorded or remastered?

    Metallica - AFJA Overall good feel for the music, but for the love of god add some bass in there!
  9. Dick Rott

    Does Norway produce any well known Metal bands other than Black Metal bands?

    In the Woods is/was a great band. Very unique. I still have their underrated demo release. I suggest you get their first ablum "Heart of the Ages." And the demo if you can find it...well worth getting!!
  10. Dick Rott

    Crappy band members game!

    Kerry King Slayer
  11. Dick Rott

    Bands That Have Gotten Progressively Worse With Each Album

    Cradle of Filth - first was excellent and still the best...then one after another got worse Deicide - First 3 were great......serpents had some good stuff......Insyneratehymn was pathetic.....blah blah Metallica post AJFA - black had some good songs...load had a few I dont...
  12. Dick Rott

    Your cd-collection?

    I have about 650 (give or take) Metal CD's. A few rock cd's (Def Leppard, Aerosmith ect) 55 Jazz CD's 27 Classical CD Compilations So Roughly 750 CD's or abouts. Its a sickness :grin:
  13. Dick Rott


    Metallica - Kill 'Em All
  14. Dick Rott

    Which part of England makes the best Metal, the North or the South?

    With you it seems that more bands allways = better (be it country, area, ect). Seems to be the pattern. What if CoF and IM are so and so's favorite bands of all time? Then it would be the south then wouldn't it? And in all actuality, the East wins.