Recent content by Direngreyyy

  1. Direngreyyy

    TSE X50 fault

    Inserted tsex50 ampsim (32bit) into a track in Cubase I can hear it working...however it wont actually come up on the screen, so I can't tweak any settings . Has anyone else had this problem and is there any way I can get the plugin working? Thanks
  2. Direngreyyy

    If you could go back to when you first start producing

    I'll be honest... Your systematic mixing guide taught me ALOT of stuff in a very short space of time. I relate it to electronic music as well as metal and my mixes have gotten alot better :D
  3. Direngreyyy

    Video Tutorials

    Links to any good production tutorial video series' for beginners? Maybe even a series you've made yourself ? :D
  4. Direngreyyy

    If you could go back to when you first start producing

    Are you talking about sticking a DI in front of your interface? Apparently the signal is cleaner?
  5. Direngreyyy

    Guitar to MIDI FREE Plugin

    No problem! Can't wait till the beta testing is finished and they bring out the real deal!!
  6. Direngreyyy

    If you could go back to when you first start producing

    Definately agree about the monitors, the difference is much larger ! good call
  7. Direngreyyy

    Guitar to MIDI FREE Plugin

    Hey, Just thought i'd share this plugin with you all, It converts your Guitars signal into MIDI (without the need for a MIDI pickup) It's free to download (beta version) you can track with it too! It allows you to change settings like pitch prediction etc. aswell which makes it quite handy...
  8. Direngreyyy

    I think I found "THE" reverb for me. FREE!

    Sounds nice on the drums, I like it :) I like the large wooden room IR with a shortened tail on drums.. What IR did you use on these drums?
  9. Direngreyyy

    Help Improve My Amateur Mix

    Oh, Using poulin lextac and tse x50 amp sims, DI'd bass and an amp sim channel and overdrive channel Using mostly waves plugins for compression and eq.. I have the SSL pack mostly for compression and on the drum bus... and the maxxbass on bass and toms and the Q-eqs for eq Using Izotope...
  10. Direngreyyy

    Help Improve My Amateur Mix

    Hi, I am very new to Music Production...only properly at it for about 4/5 months.. Here's a clip of something I've done recently I hear so many awesome mixes with alot more "Air" and "Width" to them.. Mine sounds...
  11. Direngreyyy

    If you could go back to when you first start producing

    If you could go back in time to when you first started producing... What pieces of gear would you have bought first? What plug-ins would you have discovered sooner rather than later?
  12. Direngreyyy

    5 Things You Do in Every Mix. Pensado inspired

    Haha, I actually don't have it either... It's like £100
  13. Direngreyyy

    Dat drum punch .......

    Sounds fine to me..