Recent content by Dismal Prospect

  1. D

    Keyboard in metal

    If you listen to Amorphis - Black Winter Day, there is the most mind blowing sounding keyboards, it has a perfect tone to it. Listen now. It can sound cheesy in some bands.
  2. D

    Opinions on this BEST GUITARIST list...

    Its an ok list, I dont think that Micheal Romeo should be lower than Steve Vai or Joe Satriani. Im glad Chuck is up there though. Where the fuck is Alexi Laiho???????
  3. D

    Michael Romeo's setup

    K cause you see im getting pick ups for my strat. You think I should get the Dimarzio tone zone, or the HS-3?
  4. D

    Sinergy - Spit on your Grave

    No no, sorry if I worded it wrong. Girls can sing good in metal bands (Arch Enemy). I just dont like Sinergy's girl singer.
  5. D

    Drugs and Metal

    I dont think drugs are essential to metal, but it definatly adds something to the band. For example, acid, the drug most people think is bad due to bad media bias. Anyways, I have done acid twice. There is truely a sinergy between acid and music. When I played guitar on acid I could play 3 times...
  6. D

    Bands you love musically- but whose singers need to be shot.

    Danzig, well, I dont even like his new music anyways.
  7. D

    Michael Romeo's setup

    I know he uses ESP, and he uses Line 6 in the studio. What kind of pickups does he have in the bridge and neck, and what kind of head and cabs does he use live? I love the tone in the Accolade II solo.
  8. D

    The Kalmah/Children Of Bodom Issue

    I like them both, I dont really compare them though cause I think they are both pretty different. COB is more melodic power/death metal as compared to Kalmah being Melodic Death Metal. And yah Alexi Laiho used to use Jackson, He had such great tone on the Sinergy song Spit on your Grave...
  9. D

    Sinergy - Spit on your Grave

    I just wanted to take a moment and admire this song. Alexi Laiho is truely an amazing guitarist (the guy from Children of Bodom). Anyways this song is simply amazing, you must download it if you havent heard it. The vocals are a little weak because the singer is a girl, but the song is...
  10. D

    Bands you love musically- but whose singers need to be shot.

    definatly Sinergy. I love that song spit on your grave, it would be even greater if alexi laiho sang it. That guy kicks ass. Alot might disagree with this one, Dream Theatre. Sorry I just dont like it, I think Russell Allen is way better, he has more guts to his voice.
  11. D

    Anyone know this song,all help welcome!

    Not sure man, I remember one where Jack puts on Meshugga. But what I was really wondering was who does the credit music? I remember there was an insane solo at the end of one of them.
  12. D

    Best Death Metal band

    It is definatly Death. There is no doubt that this band is not only the best death metal band but also one of the greatest bands in History. Their music was so complicated and amazing, and it surpasses stuff that is made even today. The first time I heard lack of comprehension was the day I was...
  13. D

    What tuning do you most enjoy using?

    Here is my setup. peavey 5150 II with 2 4X12 cabs. The top has 75 watt celestions and the bottom has 50 watt mesas (big low end). I have a Japanese strat with a Dimarzio evolution in the bridge and a chopper in the neck. I have a lexicon rack unit for delay and shit. I use 10-52s. I find the...
  14. D

    Dream Theater

    Dance of Eternity and get some Liquid Tension Experiment: -Universal Mind -When the water breaks -Paradigm shift
  15. D

    How do you metal heads dress? Also what other people think of you?

    I usually wear Dickees with a black band T-shirt ie.(Inflames). And I like to slick back my hair and wear a Bandana across my forehead. I sometimes wear my Ray Ban aviators (nice as hell, worth 500) I always wear beaters as well. I love to wear bracelets, neclases, and any sort of jewlery, it...