Recent content by dispeller99

  1. dispeller99

    Death Metal

    You and the butler find the exit to your left hand side son and it's done...for fuck sake...!
  2. dispeller99

    Death Metal

    Excellent taste my friend! Great energy, love those bands! One of my favorite Trivium is Pull harder on the strings of your martyr and actually the whole ascendancy CD!
  3. dispeller99

    Death Metal

    No, but YOU ARE! With your failed innuendo and immature criticism, not to mention a great lack of musical knowledge and respect! And you're a senior member? Throwing in contempory classical works -and of one of my favourite composers at that- to show off...! YOU, should be the...
  4. dispeller99

    Death Metal

    Very true, i agree with almost everything. That's why true tech death is represented by only a few bands. Comprised by people who really feel it. There, you see quality, understand what is, and enjoy tech death. Actually, dudes who, as nicely put, try to "out-brutalize" or out-tech other...
  5. dispeller99

    Death Metal

    For many of us, technical death metal is an amazing recent metal genre. Few bands represent. Necrophagist would be leaders for me. Viraemia - One of those who represent developing their own personal style. Same quality as Necrophagist, excellent. Beyond bludgeoned - i was...
  6. dispeller99

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Unearth - The March Necrophagist - Epitaph Norther - Death unlimited Cannibal corpse - Evisceration plague Necrophagist - The onset of putrefaction
  7. dispeller99

    Metal equips me for the real everyday life

    Heheheh...i rest my case...:)
  8. dispeller99

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    Two people listening to metal music should make good friends. But cause of fuckers who just l i s t e n to metal, it ain't so.
  9. dispeller99

    Metal equips me for the real everyday life

    I did that today, it really works! Keep sending that feedback chuckles!
  10. dispeller99

    Metal equips me for the real everyday life

    Would never say "Fuck the world" before. Until very recently, after experiencing in my soon to be 34 years the unending stupidity of human kind and their inexcusable repetitive criminal mistakes upon each other, REGARDLESS OF ANY UNIFYING FACTORS! Where does that leave us then...