Recent content by Divatkreació

  1. Divatkreació

    Dreamed Novembre playlist

    I already saw the perfect setlist a few years ago in Lutakko, Finland. They should've just played Croma and I would've been supersatisfied.
  2. Divatkreació

    Swallow the sun - Jonas guest vocals?

    First album kills everything. Second was okay. And third was turd.
  3. Divatkreació

    I wish Fred Durst would be Bloodbath's new shredder :(

    You know, the saddest thing about that Fred Durst video is that it looks like it could've been re-recorded by St_Sanders but it isn't.
  4. Divatkreació

    Underrated Katatonia tracks

    Quiet world, Help me disappear and Displaced are my favourite Katatonia songs. Guess I have a thing for those ug tr00 songs :p
  5. Divatkreació

    Questions for Blakkheim

    Hmm, I blame delirium for that.
  6. Divatkreació

    Questions for Blakkheim

    I have to correct you sir, the song "...Baby one more time" has remained her greatest hit to date as it spent 32 weeks on the Hot 100 and it's the only song that made it to #1 at Billboard. It also reached the number one spot in every European country :cool: Don't spread false information...
  7. Divatkreació

    Post Rock

    And well... this is my friends' band. They have some post-rock vibes in their stuff although clarinet and piano aren't the most typical post-rock instruments. I urge you to try this stuff! It's been very well...
  8. Divatkreació

    Post Rock

    No one mentioned Grails yet? They're more minimalistic then the other bands on the list but deserves to be mentioned also. This Is A Process Of Still Life is another great band in this genre. I think it's most comparable to Explosions in the Sky but it brings something unique to genre too...
  9. Divatkreació

    Heading to Gran Canaria

    Stefan greasing himself in Gran Canaria? That's not metal, that's just... :erk:
  10. Divatkreació

    New Year's Eve, have a blazt everyone!

    Some random guy went to the grill with his wife and apparently got into an argument and probably got shot there.
  11. Divatkreació

    New Year's Eve, have a blazt everyone!

    Shapeless, yes that's it. I arrived on the spot somewhat 10 minutes after the killing and now every day I go to work I have to walk past that grill and see the blood stains and the candles burning for that guy's memory. Well the situation could be worse, at least it wasn't me who got whacked there.
  12. Divatkreació

    New Year's Eve, have a blazt everyone!

    Wow 2008 started in a grim way. I walked into a murder scene. :erk:
  13. Divatkreació

    New Year's Eve, have a blazt everyone!

    Ohhoh fuck. New year with Neurosis? I'm so jealous :( I'll spend my new year's eve with a few bottles of wine because all my mates are out of town and I couldn't go due to work! This night won't go well I tell ya. But happy new year for ye all o/
  14. Divatkreació


    I consider Earth, Wind & Fire to be a massive influence for Novembres sound.
  15. Divatkreació

    Brave Murder Day shirts

    I bought mine from a Finnish chain-store called Anttila somewhat like 2 months ago :p So at least around here they aren't too hard to find.