Recent content by Divine Victim

  1. Divine Victim

    The Dark Tower Thread

    Yeah I need to read this at some point.
  2. Divine Victim

    Viking Beards.

    Holy James Randi!
  3. Divine Victim


    :lol: Alright that was pretty good.
  4. Divine Victim


    I don't give a fuck mate! How am I back-peddling by simply referring to what I said, the "phrasing" of which could hardly have been more sarcastic?
  5. Divine Victim


    Not to mention trousers, jam, sweets, football, and arses.
  6. Divine Victim


  7. Divine Victim


    Yeah and that must also be why both occasions were accompanied by a laughter smiley or "haha". Excellent point einride. This whole business is hilarious, I've done no more than express an opinion.
  8. Divine Victim


    I love the internet.
  9. Divine Victim


    I wouldn't you tool, hence "must once have been". The Rat Skates thing was clearly a joke btw... :lol: Anyway I'm not here to cause arguments, I was just bored. I don't care what other people choose to listen to, I just personally think Overkill for the most part totally blow, much like Testament.
  10. Divine Victim


    Yeah, I went to the premiere in London and went for a drink with the director afterwards (Rat Skates of Overkill was there too haha) - it was a good watch, and featured some cool interviews. Recommended!
  11. Divine Victim


    My number 2 'Live Heavy Metal Dream' would probably be to see Agent Steel with John Cyriis. Number 1 being to see Mercyful Fate... which seems somewhat more conceivable if the new album rumours are true.
  12. Divine Victim


    I'm sure they're enjoyable after a few beers, though I find most 80s thrashers still gigging now are a pale shadow of what they must once have been. Exodus live was a "once is enough" experience for example, and that's to say nothing of all the abominable recent albums from many original...
  13. Divine Victim


    I don't recall saying I listen to Megadeth.
  14. Divine Victim


    Big deal, Taking Over, a solid album. One listen to an album like The Years of Decay should be enough to show that the bulk of their material is piss poor cheese thrash fuelled by play-school riffing. And I know what I'm talking about, I've had a drink with Rat Skates and everything :lol:
  15. Divine Victim


    Honestly, UM is the only forum I've visited that doesn't think Overkill are totally crap, except maybe their very early releases. Weird.