Recent content by Djaser

  1. D

    What set Should They Play?

    As much songs from Lionheart as possible, this will not be the last time I'm going to see them so I can hear their classic another time.
  2. D

    Saxon Chronicles 2dvd

    Thanks. Well this doesn't really me any further but at I at least know why I don't have those video's.
  3. D

    Saxon Chronicles 2dvd

    Yep, that's exactly the problem; there is no arrow and when I click on video's I'm immediately taken to the second page.
  4. D

    Saxon Chronicles 2dvd

    Hello people I'm sure this question has come up before but I can't find the answer anywhere. Recently I bought the Saxon chronicles dvds, according to the back of the package there are eight video clips on the 2nd dvd. Mine has only three: Does anyone know what's up with this?