Recent content by DK92

  1. DK92

    New mix! Check it out. Kemperzzzzzz

    Loving this! You get some sick tones, and write kick ass music! :worship: Do you think you'll put up any of your profiles for sale???
  2. DK92

    new mix!!!!! UAD Nigel + new strings

    Sounds soo good! hey was hoping maybe you could post up just the raw di signal of the bass so i can try it through Nigel since i just got it. Would really appreciate it!
  3. DK92

    I'm Back

    Thanks for the reply joey! Super pumped you're back on here, the new place is looking sweet. should get some pictures up on your site. Also curious what strings would you recommend/prefer to use when recording?? I still haven't a brand I've loved How often do you make guitars/bass change...
  4. DK92

    I'm Back

    welcome back Joey! I've read that you've used both symphobia and ewql symphonic orchestra, I'm curious if you think it'd be better to get symphobia or the ewql composers pack which includes symphonic orchestra and storm drums etc??? also any tips for helping long sustained chords on a guitar...
  5. DK92

    Getting quality raw guitar before Amping

    Guitar set up is key, intonation plays a huge roll, and tune often, even certain chords or notes plus everything they mentioned ^^^
  6. DK92

    Bass Guitar tone

    Don't know if its been said, but Uad Nigel is killer on a good bass, pro steel strings are a must for the clank, can snag a had card for fairly cheap on ebay
  7. DK92

    Will there be new Emmure drum/cymbal samples?

    on his Facebook grow he just announced 10 new products going up on the store when he's back from doing AA box in LA
  8. DK92

    Multitracks to Bulbagore - "The Gingerbeard Man" done by Cory Brunnemann

    Awesome!! Really digging this...btw what guitar did you use, and what brand/gauge strings...your di tracks sound amazing compared to mine tone wise. great jb can't wait to mess with them!
  9. DK92

    intel i7 980x

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but i was wondering what the advantages of installing your applications on another drive would be? and just leaving your os on another
  10. DK92

    Tracking with no latency

    thanks jeff!
  11. DK92

    Anyone want me to make a tutorial about something?

    Ill probably get flamed for this but a quick tutorial on editing breakdowns to be super tight i.e.. slip editing would be helpful, and i know its the same thing as slip editing drums, but it'd be helpful to really see it with fast chugs on a guitar, knowing where to cut, and if you use that snap...
  12. DK92

    Tracking with no latency

    sorry but i couldn't find the joey sturgis Facebook group page, only his personal one or posers hah
  13. DK92

    Joey's POD Farm Chain

    Im using the countryman 85 with pod farm and my di signal has no noise, very crisp and clean great di box
  14. DK92

    Tracking with no latency

    Hey thanks a lot for that! that really helps to clear things up on how he tracks with almost no audible delay, cool stuff!
  15. DK92

    Will there be new Emmure drum/cymbal samples?

    I guess not :bah: he hasn't put nay new stuff up in a while it bums me out...oh well the mans busy i guess