Recent content by Donar Wotansohn

  1. Donar Wotansohn

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    Very serious multi-part interview about Norse myth and religion over at the Norse Mythology Blog with this fellow - "Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson joined Iceland's Ásatrúarfélagið (“Æsir Faith Fellowship”) at age sixteen, shortly after its founding in 1972. Since 2003, he has served as...
  2. Donar Wotansohn

    RIP Wurzel

    Wurzel's first appearance with Motorhead from an episode of THE YOUNG ONES
  3. Donar Wotansohn

    Vote for Norse Myth!

    The Norse Mythology Blog (who did the big Johan Hegg interview last year) is a finalist for "Best Weblog About Relgion" in the 11th Annual Weblog Awards. This is the first time that there's a Bloggie for religion - what if Thor, Odin & Freya beat Jesus, Moses & Muhammad? Help make history...
  4. Donar Wotansohn

    Top 12 favorite "relatively obscure" bands

    Lucifer's Friend was such an awesome band....around the time Sabbath was starting out.
  5. Donar Wotansohn

    Amon Amarth / Johan Hegg Interview

    They finally posted the last part of the interview............. (there's 9 parts) you can read the whole thing and see all the live pix...........................................
  6. Donar Wotansohn

    Random theological stuff - moved from Q about God

    krofius: I think you should create a computer virus that erases all mention of the Mayan Calendar.
  7. Donar Wotansohn

    Amon Amarth / Johan Hegg Interview

    Swamp Yankee! There's been a whole bunch of unusual questions and answers for Johan.......they're up to part six of the interview! But........ The Norse Mythology Blog has a new website, so the whole thing is up at Hails!
  8. Donar Wotansohn

    Wal-Mart the high cost of low prices.

    I don't even know what to say about this....
  9. Donar Wotansohn

    QUESTION ABOUT AMON AMARTH! you realize that your emails all have a link to "incest porn"? What the.....?
  10. Donar Wotansohn

    I know you all love metal!!!

    Um.....this is on the Amon Amarth page, why exactly? Just wondering.
  11. Donar Wotansohn


    I've got an old Crass double-CD called "Christ: The Album." I think I may have listened to it once....
  12. Donar Wotansohn

    The Fall Through Ginnungagap

    You could check out this video for starters:
  13. Donar Wotansohn

    Black Sabbath: The Martin Years

    I'm totally frustrated that TYR is out of print. There was a remastered edition that I wanted, but now it's gone......CURSES!!!
  14. Donar Wotansohn

    your top 5 PUNK records of all time

    I agree with the fellow what said MISFITS WALK AMONG US. Poor Mr. Danzig.....what has become of thee?
  15. Donar Wotansohn

    Thump... Thump... Thump....

    I would totally love to see Finsterforst bring their awesome accordian metal! BRING IT!!!!!!