Recent content by dontfearthegovt

  1. dontfearthegovt

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Can someone please help me out... I wanna know which serial killer is speaking in the sample for Devourment's "festering vomitous mass" thanks in advance
  2. dontfearthegovt

    Michael Jackson converts to Islam; hopes for 70 virgin boys when he dies

    Michael Jackson just needs to end himself. Seriously.
  3. dontfearthegovt

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Skinless, Misery Index, Dying Fetus, Devourment, Suffocation are all great fucking band. Check out a brutaldeath/slam/grind band called Malodorous theyre tight
  4. dontfearthegovt

    New Cannibal Corpse album

    ^ It probably wont be worth spending money on.... just pick up Decrepit Birth's new album and dont waste time with new CC
  5. dontfearthegovt

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Diane? Thats not my name...
  6. dontfearthegovt

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I <3 Pig Squeals I think the band Death is overrated. I think most black metal sucks
  7. dontfearthegovt

    New Cannibal Corpse album

    I like Cannibal Corpse But i think Cannabis Corpse is waaaay bettter
  8. dontfearthegovt

    Hello. New member from Philly, PA \m/

    Whats up guys. My names Dan. Im a college student at Drexel university in philadelphia PA. I was raised in South/Central Jersey. Im studying history and sociology. I play guitar and Im interested in starting a deathmetal band. I listen mainly to death metal, thrash, metalcore/deathcore...