Recent content by DoomSoko

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    Chuck Shuldiner!!

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    Comparisons to Children Of Bodom

    I don´t like to compare between the two bands.... both are great but i like 100 times more Cob than Kalmah, altaugh it´s less heavier or darker. ---- those Cob fast, melodic, death riffs kicks ass.
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    Because they're assholes!! ... some internet freaks that keep on downloading wtih p2p programs and know nothing about the band theyre downloading from.. and besides.. The trooper sounds nothing like Cob at all!! not even the voices, or the guitar work ( the bass is so not CoB) ....
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    What type of metal do you consider COB?

    Always when i post something in a new thread i read everyone´s opinion before posting except in this one.... everyones has a different point of view and i now i´m right about this :) CoB play MELODIC DEATH METAL with black (keyboards in SW f.e), power (Drums in some songs)and heavy metal...
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    What guitar do you have ???

    I´ve got two Ibanez,,, a GRX70 (that´s made in malasya but was my first guitar and still think that sounds very heavy for a cheap guitar) and a Rg520
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    The Trooper

    Mass Hypnosis doesn´t sounds much like CoB (althaugh i think it is their best cover song! Viva sepultura...) but has alexis vocals, and jaskas drums.... The trooper has nothing... the bass is so "not Cob" , the drums, the vocals, everything..... As i downloaded that song i notice that it wasn´t...
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    The Trooper

    I´m Sick of this!! how can some people call themselves fans??? some say that even sounds like CoB...¿? Master of Puppets, Have you ever heard CoB in your life? It is a Senteced cover! and first of all,,,,, the vocals in that song is 100% different from alexis voice! how can you say that it...
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    For guitarists here.

    Zicrom... es que igual no es por recomendacion de nadie que es bueno cambiar las cuerdas antes, pero yo las cambio o porque rompo cuerdas, o porque suenan horribles. A partir del mes ya se ponen todas duras, la 1era vibra en el trasto 22 por dar un ej., se dificulta la movilidad por las cuerdas...
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    For guitarists here.

    uuuuuuu three months??? a string should last no more than a month,,, that´s why i use thiner strings (D Adario .009-.042)... with that strings is more dificult to play at a diferent tunning besides E but anyway...
  10. D

    The Hammet solo thing

    Wah wah should be forgotten!! ... no, not at all , but at least for kirk :D . I´ve have like hundreds from bootlegs and in the old ones he even used the wah and sounded gret althaugh the original solo wasnñt with wah (like Ride the lightning solo), but now he abuses of it!!
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    throne of chaos

    I ve got one album from them (i dont know how many thay have), and they play a similar to CoB music but a lot softer. I listened to that album like 3 times and then i gpt bored....
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    What COB song would fans like to see as a video?

    Follow the Reaper.... that song was "made" for a video..... Aldo an live dvd with the south american, japan, and europe tours.
  13. D

    Do you know that COB will be playing Wacken 2002 ???

    Dead Soul kicks ass! .. a pure trash/death album.
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    Do you know that COB will be playing Wacken 2002 ???

    Do you really know Criminal?? that´s excellent ... i thought they were only known in America althaugh they released their third studio album under metalblade europe label. Which cds or songs from them have you heard??
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    Favourite metal guitarist.........

    I had to put in another catoghery to Alexi Lahio... hes the fucking best at solos but not as good as other guitar players in rythms!!´