Recent content by draak334

  1. draak334

    RHAPSODY - Dominique Leurquin’s Left Hand Seriously Injured

    well, i really hope he recovers fully. surgery makes wonders nowadays. all the best, man.
  2. draak334

    THERION new album: Les Fleurs du Mal

    i read that part of "it's not metal" - then what else is it?? :confused: this cd is metal through and through, although the particular choice of songs (which appear to be covers) has a different taste from all other therion albums. it has some memorable moments where strings are just...
  3. draak334

    THERION's Christofer Johnsson - "I Have Some Very Important Announcements To Make"; R

    more videos..... that's incredible. one is sad though. but the music is so good.
  4. draak334

    THERION new album: Les Fleurs du Mal

    cant wait for this one...... Therion are my fave of all times.