Recent content by Du sollst dich töten

  1. D

    Who are the kings of Black Metal?

    I'll take the original over the generic clone, thank you very much...
  2. D

    everybody from london ok?

    I'm curious to know how Americans and their supporters can justify their use of bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet label it "terrorism" when they get some of their own medicine back. is it not terrorism to carpet bomb a city under the guise of a "war on terror"? Face it kids, you're only upset...
  3. D

    Bands you wish had better production...

    Funny, I remember you saying something "if the album is great, it won't be because of the production. if it sucks, it won't be because of the production" about a week ago.
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    Bands you wish had better production...

    Actually, no. The simple point is, certain bands don't use "clear" production because it's not suited to their music. "Nattens Madrigal" for example would lose practically all of its aggresion and atmosphere if the "omgz it dusent sound liek soilwork, my earz hurt!!1" brigade had their way and...
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    Bands you wish had better production...

    That isn't what I said.
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    Bands you wish had better production...

    I find it amusing that the main topics of conversation around here right now are to do with album covers and album production. What about music? With that being said: ESPECIALLY not material that was intented to have raw production, ie: black metal.
  7. D

    Opeth - Ghost Reveries official artwork

    It looks like something from Deviant Art.
  8. D

    Now Playing Thread

    Nagelfar - "Schwanengesang"
  9. D

    Recommend me some ...

    Yeah, complex death metal is EXACTLY what the guy after to help him fall asleep.
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    Are these scientifically proven facts? :tickled:
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    Favorite Albums That No One Else Likes I like Peccatum's music, especially the "Lost in Reverie" album- many people seem to hate them. Also, At the Gates' first 3 albums are FAR better than Slaughter of the Soul, which gets a lot more attention. Can't think of any more right now.
  12. D

    Roadrunner about Ghost Reveries

    . Or practically any other metal song, ever. hah
  13. D


    Looking for a Job is obviously trolling this thread; why are people even responding? "It sucks" is about as valid an argument as "omgz dis r00lz liek harrrdxc0re"
  14. D

    BM, DM, and religion

    Norwegian explosion? Bathory, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, etc., had more to do with the beginnings of black metal than any Norwegian bands. Classical is an odd example, because no-one actually says that classical music has a "pidgeonholed" philosophy, whereas black metal does, to a degree. This...