Recent content by dyingculture

  1. D

    whats with all the new people?

    I'm new, and I actually was completely unaware of Amon Amarth's recent US tour...goddamnit. I've listened to them for a few years now, I discovered them after stumbling across black metal. I usually don't post on music forums, only browsing them for tour information, but a few of the...
  2. D

    Viking Question

    I second this recommendation...the book is short, but still worth reading. The movie the 13th Warrior was based on it, but as usual, the book is better. In particular I like one of the last scenes, where the Viking chieftain (can't remember his name) is in his death throes because of a deadly...
  3. D

    Viking Question

    That makes sense...though they possessed excellent seafaring skills, the terrain would've been completely unfamiliar to them. It's amazing that they made it that far at all, even considering their tolerance for hardship and expertise in navigation. Perhaps they might've fought the natives off...
  4. D

    How many here follow the Northern Way?

    Beorn - I agree. Even Bernard of Clairvaux, one of Christendom's greatest holy men, consulted with rabbis to translate the hebrew old testament. Where I live, the very word "pagan" usually stirs up visions of Satanic human sacrifice and severed goat heads in the minds of most people...though...
  5. D

    Viking Question

    I've got another there any historical evidence as to why the colony in Vinland failed? This continent would've been so much better off if the Vikings had colonized it rather than the goddamn Puritans.
  6. D

    Favorite AA song?

    Bleed for Ancient Gods A Fury Divine Amon Amarth (especially the part following the battle sounds) When I'm drunk: Friends of the Suncross
  7. D

    How many here follow the Northern Way?

    I am a member of no religion, though I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a power higher than that of man and nature. I do believe, personally, that there is a source from which all energy comes, and that this source is perhaps a being that defies everything we know about power and...