Recent content by Dylan of Gilead

  1. Dylan of Gilead

    Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

    Make a bonus disc with acoustic versions of four or five songs.
  2. Dylan of Gilead

    Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

    This record is akin to Duke Nukem Forever.
  3. Dylan of Gilead

    I'm bored - here's something fun (maybe you'll get to hear new stuff...)

    Gallows and Graves sounds like a jazz waltz to me, maybe cut time at 50 bpm? Or maybe it's a quick sonatina, around 190 bpm.
  4. Dylan of Gilead

    Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

    Tim isn't lying...drums really do sound huge.
  5. Dylan of Gilead

    Nekrogobli-hangout in North Carolina

    Psh, like I'd ever want to hang out with you.
  6. Dylan of Gilead

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    Katy Perry fucking rules. Duke Ellington - Cotton Tail
  7. Dylan of Gilead

    Any gamers??

    That's me. I've been playing WoW on Destromath, Gnome Warrior, and Fable II as of late.
  8. Dylan of Gilead

    Something that didn't make it onto "Goblin Island"

    New LP should have a cover of Peter Piper by Run DMC.
  9. Dylan of Gilead

    Goblins Ahoy and No One Survives videos from last show

    You guys need fucking stadium to fit into, haha.
  10. Dylan of Gilead

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    Conor Oberst's new album. I'm liking it so far.
  11. Dylan of Gilead

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    Black Temple music. :)
  12. Dylan of Gilead

    Informative Message

    Are you trying to prove something? Nobody cares about you, your views, your taste and music, your homophobic attitude, your adolescent way of handling situations, or your opinion on...well, anything really. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET. ENJOY YOUR STAY.
  13. Dylan of Gilead

    Informative Message

    Trust me dude, we're all over your version of the truth.
  14. Dylan of Gilead

    Informative Message

    That's probably worse.