Recent content by Ecstatic

  1. E

    Pain Live dates 2012

    any chance of you guys coming to Australia some time in the near or distant future? =]
  2. E

    Am I abnorman DT fan?

    I feel as though that is quite harsh and indeed incorrect as he clearly states "I would argue, however, that they haven't released something as comprehensively soul-scorching as the Gallery since. If the rest of DT's albums had the same musical impact as the Gallery, they'd be considered one of...
  3. E

    Am I abnorman DT fan?

    The gallery = legendary
  4. E

    "Made" a Turisas (i)Phone Wallpaper.

    Awsome! Beats the one I was using with just the logo in the middle. Cheers man
  5. E

    Favorite track from " You only live twice"

    It it drives me insane?