Recent content by eddieapathy

  1. E

    Be it so?

    I heard a story that Anathema & Antimatter were going to do an acoustic set in Ireland before the end of the year. Any truth to it? Metal promoters in Ireland Contact us
  2. E

    I think

    They won't come close to that amount of sales. I think Anathema will find it difficult to break into the commercial mainstream given their roots. Vincent will need to think about changing the band name.
  3. E

    I think

    On my first encounter with Judgement I thoght they had slipped into commercialism BUT then it became one of my favourite Anathema albums along with Silent Enigma. Unfortunately I think they've slumped too far with this album and it will be to their detriment I think. Like to see a slight...
  4. E

    danny fx

    Danny mentioned to me at that time that the board he uses has a built-in "wah" pedal. Which is it likely to be?
  5. E

    danny fx

    Where did you find out that these are the effects Danny uses?
  6. E

    danny fx

    The last time I saw Anathema on tour was for the Judgement album. Danny told me he had just recently changed his guitar effects at that time. What did he buy? I love the guitar sound on track 10 of Judgement - sounds a bit like Dire Straits "Brothers In Arms".