Recent content by Eduardo Apolonia

  1. Eduardo Apolonia

    I need reamps - tight deathcore tone

    I'm here in case you need.
  2. Eduardo Apolonia

    One amp in your studio...which one?

    If you want one amp that will do great cleans, crunch, rhythm dist and lead, I would say that the best option is the Mesa Mark V. It's the most versatile amp I know.
  3. Eduardo Apolonia

    Reamping service available: Almost 30 amps and 9 cabinets to choose from

    New Amps and updated prices. BTW, the amp list is over 40 now, and there are more on the way. :cool: Orange Rockerverb MKII Divo Roland JC120H EVH 5150III 100 Stealth
  4. Eduardo Apolonia

    Mic locker thread

    AKG 414B-ULS (x2) AKG D112 Audio-Technica ATM 250DE Audio-Technica AT4050 Audix D6 Beyerdynamic M201 Beyerdynamic M160 Electrovoice RE-20 Heil PR40 Neumann KM84 (x4) Neumann KM86 (x2) Neumann KM184 (x2) Neumann KMS104 Neumann U-87 Vintage (x2) Neumann U-47 Neumann U-47 Fet (x2) Royer Labs 121...
  5. Eduardo Apolonia

    FS: (EU) Manley Slam, UA LA-3A, Tube-Tech MP1A, Crane Song Flamingo

    Hi Paul-Hugo, Yes, it's still for sale.
  6. Eduardo Apolonia

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Naylor SD 60
  7. Eduardo Apolonia

    Is the sound really in the hands?

    Great test Glenn. I agree that if you included 1 or 2 mediocre players the difference would be even more noticeable.
  8. Eduardo Apolonia

    Tracking compression for rock vocals?

    If you are new to compression I would recommend that you don't use an hardware compressor in recording. You can compress it badly and then it will be very difficult to repair. If you aren't sure on how to compress it, use the hardware compressor to compress it afterwards recording.
  9. Eduardo Apolonia

    Guitar DI's Tracked in Stereo problem. Please help.

    As said, if it's only one recording pass and recorded in stereo it should be the same on left and right. You can do a simple test to check if they are the same. Just put the stereo file across 2 channels, pan them center and invert the phase on one of the channels, the sum should be complete...
  10. Eduardo Apolonia

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Nice Sagres amp!! :)
  11. Eduardo Apolonia

    Guys with their Amps in the control room

    I made some extensive tests with Speaker cables and the differences are very very small. I even measured it frequency wise between 1mt and 12mt, the difference was about 0.1-0.2 dB in the high end where the guitar speaker doesn't even reproduce almost any sound I'm preparing the Control...
  12. Eduardo Apolonia

    Anyone doing kemper reamps?

    What's their budget for the reamps? And how many songs?
  13. Eduardo Apolonia

    Anyone doing kemper reamps?

    Why not real amps for a great price?? :p
  14. Eduardo Apolonia

    Reamping service available: Almost 30 amps and 9 cabinets to choose from

    This wasn't here yet. Fortin Meathead More amps soon. :)