Recent content by Edward Funes

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    Tour North America, PLEASE!

    go to their fuckin forum queers this is kalmah not some crappy gay shit
  3. E

    Tour North America, PLEASE!

    shut the fuck up with cob they have nothing to do with kalmah fuck you!!!!
  4. E

    Tour North America, PLEASE!

    they should come but its true faggit mother fuckers would start suckin their cocks fuck that id rather go to finland
  5. E

    kalmah live concert video?????

    they should
  6. E

    kalmah live concert video?????

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wish too
  7. E

    Kalmah, and more bands with a similar sound.

    nagalfar bitch!! In flames (lunar strain)
  8. E

    Melodic Death or Black!?

    ^^ its melodic death fuckers
  9. E

    Melodic Death or Black!?

    es metal melodico cabrones pelen verga
  10. E

    Where is the offical web site of Amon Amarth??

    not a clue, but good luck finding ou tand if you.... do let us know
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    what is your favourite AA song?

    pursiut of vikings, no doubt
  12. E

    Other melodic death bands...

    amon amarth fucking rules
  13. E

    KALMAH tba 4th album CD 2005-11-14

    if this info is true i wouldn't mind waiting one more year l{alma}l RULES!!!!!!
  14. E

    Melodic Death Metal

    Eternal tears of sorrow and Finntrolls
  15. E

    IS it ok to not be impressed with Fate of Norns?

    [B]nah, its fucking sweet. not as good as the previous releases but it rules.