Recent content by egonblik

  1. egonblik

    New to recording. Desperately need software advice!

    Best tip is start with what you have, and upgrade when you really get the hang of what you need, the type of sound and genre you're going for. Don't just buy what everyone else is using... Keep recording no matter what, and keep learning/reading about it, there is no end to the information you...
  2. egonblik

    Album I'm mixing....Natural kit (for the most part)

    This sounds good! I like the vocalist. The guitars sit good in the mix but on their own they do sound abit fizzy. and to your question, imo yeah the kick could use more thump
  3. egonblik

    Post Hardcore mix

    Me and my band's drummer wrote this song today Guitars are podfarm (different cabs and impulses) Bass unfortunatly I don't own one, so its a Midi\vst with podfarm :P drums are SD2 with samples Feel free to crit or just say your thoughts ;)
  4. egonblik

    Tips on this metal mix - not sure what else it needs

    Overall, it sounds awesome! only thing that bothers me is the snare... are you using the Sd2 samples?
  5. egonblik

    New track in F# tuning

    I like the guitars. the intro is a blast! the snare needs imo to be a bit louder and fuller. sounds dull.
  6. egonblik

    Memphis May Fire - Vices

    Have they changed their guitars tuning? Doesnt sound like drop c# :p
  7. egonblik

    ADTR - welcome to the family cover

    Did a small cover for this song and would appreciate advice for my tone. Used PodFarm cali diamond with my own Eq settings and instead of a cab used a redwirez mesa impulse. Drums are Superior drummer 2.
  8. egonblik

    The Systematic Mixing Guide - NOW OUT!

    Aight got it today and started reading right away. It really motivates me to try new stuff and even hints me of what was wrong with my first mixes. Thanks for the eBook!
  9. egonblik

    The Systematic Mixing Guide - NOW OUT!

    Since I have no access to a PC If I purchase it through my iPhone is there a way to open and read it?
  10. egonblik

    Define Visions, Post-Hardcore from Israel

    Hey guys, my band Define Visions is a post-hardcore band We're from Israel. you can listen to our first demo here: which has been mixed and mastered by me Enjoy! :D