Recent content by ek_erliaR

  1. ek_erliaR

    Gear Talk with Kristian!

    Well i have finaly got my thumb out of my ass and started a project, in insperation of demonoid i came up whit an idea that i know a drummer in my home city that is faaaar away, he is going to record some drums for me and my brother. he is truly awsome so i hope i can justify his talent whit...
  2. ek_erliaR

    Gear Talk with Kristian!

    I Recomend Line6 amps and stuff, i have a small Spider II 30w combo. i know its digital but the insane mode sounds in my ears good, and some times i use a Boss DS-2 in turbo mode to kickup the mids. thou i guess the sound depends on the pups in your guitar to, now a days digital amps can higain...
  3. ek_erliaR

    Gear Talk with Kristian!

    Could it be this pup you meen?
  4. ek_erliaR

    Recording Update

    Looking forward to the masterpiece album, any date when it will be out? next week? late 2008 maby? may the (Guitar) Force be whit you! / Dennis