Recent content by el_Mariachi

  1. E

    Lyrics Game part II (new rules)

    the grand conjuration "Enough of this!!!"
  2. E

    Upcoming Album... Anyone worried?

    wow this thread was about the new album, what happened i think we need a new thread titled ,,personal feelings for opeth". :)
  3. E

    Opeth playbacks

    why dont u use the guitar pro midis , just turn of the vocals, or the lead guitar or the drums, and there u go!
  4. E


    yeah, the guy's name is Kalle Kapner he's from germany and he had and interesting idea of performing the whole damnation album only with a piano something like apocalyptica with metallica. but the guy is not using a piano, he plays on a midi keyboard and some of the songs are a bit ,,funky"...
  5. E

    Who drew the "O" symbol in Opeth's title?

    yeah, micahel's second logo looks fine, but i think that the first one that's drawn by danken looks too ordinary and too "metalheadish" too standard, it just ain't opeth, but the last logo it's, just what opeth stands for...
  6. E

    The intro to Beneath the Mire reminds me of...

    yeah, it has some far east influences from traditional indian music, i think, something like closure from damnation. Anyway that song has the most amazing solo that i've ever heard... when per and mikael are playing synchronized... beautiful...
  7. E

    Who drew the "O" symbol in Opeth's title?

    yup you're right it says so on the official opeth site, and that logo wanet through some serious evolution... to what it is today, before it was like some drunken graffiti meister drew it...:)
  8. E

    Favorite bass line?

    i would say, ,,The baying of the Hounds" cuz it has some serious bass work there. Harmonization with the guitar and stuff, and maybe the hardest to play...dunno my opinion only
  9. E

    The Apostle In Triumph - Meaning of the Song

    100% percent it's In solitude i wander... first of all, the whole song is told in first person("I am" mode) and there's no point in telling something like, so Judah fucked it up... listen carefully and you'll notice the "t" in "solitude" anyways, the song is about the torment that the...
  10. E

    The Apostle In Triumph - Meaning of the Song

    CUZ IT DOEN"T SAY NOTHING IN THE LYRICS RETARD!! man you pissed me off i'm sorry...
  11. E

    Lyrics Game part II (new rules)

    well lets see... goddamnit i can sing the whole song, but i can't remember the title... is it bleak? and lets continue... ,,Halo of death, all i see is departure..."
  12. E

    do you guys finger pick or pick the acoustic parts

    it depends on which song... for instance i use a pick for the acoustic parts on Drapery Falls(yeah it has more chords). However, i use my fingers for patterns in the ivy I&II Still day beneath the sun etc... i just think that for the songs that are acoustic you should use your fingers it's just...
  13. E


    well anyways michael is the driving gear in opeth (music, vocals(both scream and clean) solo guitars and lyrics) so now that peter is gone it's like he's already in a solo project... lol i don't mean that the others don't contribute to the music or the production, but still michael is the most...
  14. E

    Lyrics Game part II (new rules)

    Theworstcase, fade to black is one of my favorite songs too...
  15. E

    Lyrics Game part II (new rules)

    true... it's the funeral portrait and Michael screams it... To: the worst case... you're right i couldn't quite hear that whispering and i don't use google for christ sake i am sorry for that miss