Recent content by eliudhs

  1. E

    Non-Metal SONGS by Metal Bands

    The one that came to mind for me was Death - Voice of The Soul. They also had a few interesting interludes on Human and Individual Thought Patterns. At The Gates had one on their Slaughter of The Soul album. Can't really think of many more, haha.
  2. E

    Carcass Reunion

    Heartwork is excellent, but I kind of prefer Necroticism in some ways. I'm not a HUGE fan of Melodeath so Necroticism is more accessible for me. Oh, and Corporeal Jigsore Quandary - \m/(>_<)\m/
  3. E


    David Lynch is phenomenal. Mulholland Dr. is such a mindfuck... also, Twin Peaks (his series) is coming out in a box set October 30th for a mere $65 on Amazon. That's a deal I simply cannot pass up. So after Christmas "collections" from the family, I'm making it kind of a personal goal to get...
  4. E

    best acoustic guitar songs

    Not completely acoustic, but one of the best mellow songs of all time is Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here". Then there's King Crimson's "I Talk To The Wind" (some amazing instrumental work in that song, hell, that entire album). And another band you CANNOT FUCKING PASS UP if you're into the...
  5. E

    Slayer-reign in blood

    This was one of the first metal albums that I discovered, but more important it helped me get into the genre. Looking back, I don't technically enjoy much, but back in the day Angel of Death was fucking insane to hear for the first time. I can't deny that AoD and also Reign in Blood are classics...
  6. E

    Best/Worst releases-2006

    I thought the new Cannibal Corpse sucked for the most part. Might have to give it another listen, but I just haven't liked them for a long time. Blood Mountain was kickass, the new Isis was kickass, the Meshuggah re-master was kickass. I don't remember a whole lot from last year. It was slow...
  7. E

    Metallica - St Anger

    All I have to say is that this album supports two burning theories: 1 - All artists are better when they're under the influence. 2 - Metallica - post Justice can not make a good song for shit.
  8. E

    Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

    I've been into metal for a while, but only recently (about a year-ish ago) got into actually playing guitar. Right now what I'm working with is a Squier Strat (got it for 100 with a pretty sweet case, so it was a good deal). I'll try to post some pictures later. It's nothing amazing. I'd like...
  9. E

    Need Brutal DM

    Are Cryptopsy BDM? A lot of people say that None So Vile is a defining moment for the genre. If they are, definitely check out their work with Lord Worm.
  10. E

    Metal bands you wish never broke up

    Atheist, At The Gates, Carcass, Cynic, Death (though technically they didn't split up), Nasum (similar to Death). Tons of others I can't think of.
  11. E

    Metal philosophy..

    I'm too tired (1:55AM here on the Eastern Coast) to really understand/answer that question - though from what I can tell it is a good one. All I will say is that many metal bands address important social or political issues. For example, Rage Against The Machine (I know they may not...
  12. E

    Question about Death

    The DVD itself is poorly designed but I had good sound quality out of it. Sorry, I didn't read the whole thread. :)
  13. E

    Upcoming releases

    :waah: Meshuggah are one of my favorites. Guess they don't appeal to everyone.
  14. E

    Question about Death

    My version of TSOP came with a DVD entitled Live in Cottbus. Excellent, but I'm not sure if that's what you're referring too.
  15. E

    Pig Destroyer

    Just to clarify, I am a grindcore fan. PD are, to me, far from the generic grind-sound. I suppose that's mainly due to their production. I never thought I could enjoy a band without a bassist, but I have to say they are pretty badass.