Recent content by emjay75

  1. emjay75

    My 6505 died yesterday - advice needed :(

    I just wanna know how the hell you killed a 6505? The shit is built for punishment. This makes you more metal than anyone I have ever heard of
  2. emjay75

    Take a listen - Carol of the Bells - March Hare

    Although Matt gives me credit for redoing the guitars, which I appreciate. The guitars in all of their majesty were redone by Splat himself. Though I had dreams of contributing, they were quickly dissolved when I heard the mastery Matt K had summoned. This will be remedied in the future if you...
  3. emjay75

    Doing scores for movies, commercial music, etc...

    I actually heard one of my tracks (a kind of smooth hip-hop style track) on HBO in between programs for a Dish Network pay-per-view advertisement for a soft-core porn style photo shoot of girls on some beach. I was stoked. Prolly the greatest MFK quote of all time. I will refer to...
  4. emjay75

    Your favourite bass tones?

    Rush - Moving Pictures Cave In - Antenna Tool - Lateralus (sorry 10,00 Days bugs) Voivod - Angel Rat/Outer Limits Queensryche - Empire (espesh Della Brown) Megadeth - Countdown To Exticntion
  5. emjay75

    Take a listen - Newest PODFarm test - Dual amp mode

    Hey Splat, by an Ibanez................From Matt..................................J..................................just Five Fiftay!
  6. emjay75

    Take a listen - Newest PODFarm test - Dual amp mode

    Thanks for all your kind words. As one of the singer guys for this here March Hare. Praise from the ladies and fellas on this site means a great deal. And any time I get compared in a positive light to Maynard, which rarely happens is always nice.
  7. emjay75

    Another ENDITOL Revalver clip - Blame

    Yes, allow me to swing from your nuts. The prog breakdown at about 1:40 or so is cool as shit.
  8. emjay75

    Dimarzio, Seymour Duncan or EMG

    It's the recipe for a bright guitar, which is what I like, but that Mahagony is so dense. So you put the 85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck?......That's madness!!!
  9. emjay75

    Dimarzio, Seymour Duncan or EMG

    Sorry the Ibanez RG42DX has an Edge III trem.
  10. emjay75

    Dimarzio, Seymour Duncan or EMG

    I just bought a set of D-Activators. I have not received them yet, but will let you know. I have an Ibanez RG42dx with Edge II tremolo. Mahagony body. As for the winner? I like all makes of pick ups. They all have their finer points. The JB in Splat's Ibanez S sounds bloody great. I have an 84...
  11. emjay75

    Is this mix album ready?

    Now that the drums have been tweaked. They seem to overtake the attack of the guitars a bit. The vocals are absolutely perfect. Not too produced. Just enough to catch Jake's vibe. Are we ever gonna be satisfied, MFK?..............................I would guess not. The perfect guitar tone for...
  12. emjay75

    Rate this new mix

    No I meant knobs. Y'all are def not noobs. some say preference. Some say necessity.
  13. emjay75

    Rate this new mix

    Might I add, Splat that despite what any of the knobs(myself included) on this forum tell you. You need more bite and less bass to your guitar sound. That is what bass is for! Roll off the bass knob, knobs!!!!!!
  14. emjay75

    More Rvlevrer III

    Yeah,, I'm on board with Splat here. The middle section is a winner. The solo really blows up my skirt as well. I'm punching myself in the biscuits knowing that I didn't write that riff.
  15. emjay75

    Vote for your favorite Evergrey song!

    Has to be Darkest Hour or In the Wake of the Weary. But truly the greatest band on Earth.....possibly the whole of existence.