Recent content by empiricism_8bk

  1. E

    What are some of your other favorite bands?

    Changes every day but: Ensiferum Green Carnation Children of Bodom In Flames Into Eternity -Greg
  2. E

    best video clips

    Thunderstone - Virus I think the video is great, and the guitar solo shot, mounting the camera from the head of the guitar, is awesome. Darkane - Innocence Gone I don't like Darkane all that much, but this might be my favorite metal video of all time. . .the black to white/white to black...
  3. E

    If Borknagar needed a new vocalist...

    Whoever said Pasi from Thunderstone, I completely agree, that'd be one hell of a sound. -Greg
  4. E

    the worst cd u ever bought

    As I look through my 'stack of shit' pile I choose: Nonpoint "Statement" as the worst album I've ever purchased, though I used to listen to some real crap (Incubus, Bush, etc) As far as metal is concerned, I picked up Soilwork 'Natural Born Chaos' right when it came out and unfortunately...
  5. E

    Songs on a Best of Bodom CD?

    I tried making a list, but it's impossible. Maybe instead of a 'Best of Bodom' they would consider making a DVD/video of all their stuff. I'd love to see some live stuff (doesn't look like they're coming to the USA anytime soon) and band members thoughts/comments would be excellent. Just my...
  6. E

    Borknagar on MTV

    Wow, that's incredible, way to go, guys. Unfortunately in the USA, if one turns on MTV, all they see is rap or pop music videos. The 'heaviest' stuff they play is along the lines of Blink 182. . .if they play music at all. -Greg "MTV is to music what KFC is to chicken" - Louis Black
  7. E

    What do you want on the next album?

    An acappella duet is the greatest idea I've ever heard. -Greg
  8. E

    What do you want on the next album?

    Not that you care what I have to say, after all, this is like the 50th response but: I looooooove Vintersorg's clean vocals in Borknagar. I listen to his own stuff for the grim vocals and Borknagar for the clean vox. He never ceases to impress me. More existential lyrics, the stuff you...
  9. E


    Woohoo, glad you guys like the album. Windrider is indeed a great song, but: Eternal Wait is my favorite. Then again, it's so hard to choose a favorite song from your favorite band from your favorite album. Everything is amazing. -Greg
  10. E

    Favorate Metal Band2

    I agree with fellow Borknagar fan, FallingAcension. But, I had to vote for In Flames of the bands listed. Dark Tranquility and Iced Earth are right there though. -Greg
  11. E

    American metal bands saving metal....

    Saving metal. . .saving metal from what? lol Anyway - I'd say Iced Earth and Cannibal Corpse are the only "underground metal bands that have mainstream success" if that makes sense. Cannibal Corpse WAS in the movie 'Ace Ventura' after all. The other bands listed are incredible, but will never...
  12. E

    Taproot Similarity to Alice in Chains

    I don't think in any way does Steve Richards sound like Layne. Taproot used to be a rap group, and Steve was a rapper, then they tried metal, and Steve screamed. Now they're like. . .straight up rock, and Steve tries clean vocals. I don't hate Taproot, I actually respect them, but their vocals...
  13. E

    Top ten Norwegian albums..

    In no particular order: Borknagar - Empiricism Borknagar - Quintessence Borknagar - The Archaic Course Borknagar - The Olden Domain Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness Solefald - Pills Against the Ageless Ills Hmm. . .all the Norweigan albums I own. . .hard to find good...
  14. E


    By far my favorite band. As for the grammar, I like the use of old english "Do thou possess. . .", etc. I wish they'd come over here to the United States, but since their fan base is all of about 10 people here, it doesn't look like a bright outlook. -Greg
  15. E

    American black metal sucks ! ! !

    For the guy who said Ensiferum are from America: GOD NO!! Ensiferum is from Finland. Try finding one of their albums in America, gonna be tough if not impossible. They're on Spinefarm's label, same as Children of Bodom. But, no, I wish Ensiferum was from America, that would make our scene...