Recent content by Enghell

  1. Enghell

    What are you for right now?

    After abusing my bank account (and making it cry) for the last few months, buying an Ibanez RGD2127FX (and BKP ceramic Warpigs for it), ADAM F7 monitors, Kemper Profiling Amp, Line6 JTV-89, Behringer Ultramatch Pro 2496 (for conv. coax S/PDIF on the Kemper to optical S/PDIF on my RME Babyface...
  2. Enghell

    Working From Portable Hard Drives

    Always been using some type of external drive for recording/mixing and never had any problem (last few years using eSATA discs). Using the same drive as OS/software, that's when you might start having problems.
  3. Enghell

    Toontrack best expansions/midi drum loops etc...

    Yeah, Superior Drummer is definitely worth it. The cross grade from EZdrummer makes it a little less expensive. I really like the drum kits that comes with it, they sound really good. I've also got The Metal Foundry and it's great sounding, especially for metal. When it comes to EZ, as...
  4. Enghell

    kemper into a babyface

    Nah, since what you hear is an amp+cabinet that's already been mic'd, so to mic and record something that's already been mic'd up once doesn't make much sense. If it doesn't sound good when recorded, you've likely to have fucked up in some way. I've recorded my Kemper through S/PDIF into me...
  5. Enghell

    kemper into a babyface

    I've ordered a Behringer (yes, a Behringer) Ultramatch Pro SRC 2496 for converting coax to optical S/PDIF from my Kemper to my Babyface to be able to reamp without any loss (it can be used as 2 extra A/D-D/A converters for the Babyface too). Won't get it until Monday (damn holidays) so haven't...
  6. Enghell

    now that's pretty impressive (guitar VSTi)

    I could see myself getting the classical one, since I don't own a classical guitar and this sounds pretty awesome.
  7. Enghell

    Les Paul pickups

    Definitely sounds like you need something from Bare Knuckle Pickups.
  8. Enghell

    POD farm Platinum .. users?

    It's okay, it's easy to use and there are lots of different amp (and cab) modulations. I've got it but I've got a Kemper now, and since it's so many times better (you can't even compare it), I'll probably never touch POD Farm again. Don't know about the price for an upgrade though, I bought...
  9. Enghell

    Another SLO100 Clip...this amp delivers

    Sounds great!
  10. Enghell

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    An Ibanez RGD2127FX (in which I swapped the stock pups for BKP ceramic Warpigs) and a Kemper Profiling Amplifier (black Lunchbox).
  11. Enghell

    so i've just opened my own studio

    Get a Babyface!
  12. Enghell

    Autotune for guitar.

    Kill it with fire
  13. Enghell

    Is it better to record to an external drive?

    As I think Dell Latitude is a laptop, I'd say go for either an external 7200rpm disc either connected through eSATA or USB 3.0. I think you should probably stay away from using the internal disc or an external USB 2.0 since I think it might not be fast enough. But since you said it's an old...
  14. Enghell

    Who's Who

    Name: Peter Location: South of Sweden (soon to be Brisbane, Australia) Age: 41 Own Band: Currently unnamed black/funeral doom metal project (everything except some bass played by "J") Occupation: Industrial electrician (I don't call myself "producer/engineer" just because I have a home recording...
  15. Enghell

    Your latest CD purchases

    Malleus Maleficarum - Des bibles, des hymnes, des icônes... Kriegsmaschine / Szron - Split Skepticism - Lead and Aether Umbra - Ater Urna - Sepulcrum Urna - Iter Ad Lucem Vhernen - The Funeral Era Cult of Erinyes - A Place to Call My Unknown Mare - Spheres Like Death