Recent content by EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

  1. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Show on the 25th

    Are any of you Arizona residents going to this Dimmu Borgir, Hypocrisy, Children of Bodem and Nevermore show next tuesday at the bash, i'll most indefinately be there. :hotjump:
  2. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Too Late?

    I decided i better order "The Thoughts from which i hide" before it was sold out,so i sent my order today, im wondering if i did this in vain, are all the copies sold out now?
  3. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Ok what are you Playlists right now?

    Exhumed- Anatomy is Destiny Behemoth - Thelma 6 Hate Eternal - King of all kings Carcass - Heartwork
  4. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    One quick question about ordering some merchandise

    a shirt with the good old "VEHEMENCE" logo on the front, and the god was created "I AM MY OWN SAVIOR" on the back would be fucking sweet, kinda a combo of the two shirts, But as always when in doubt use as much gore as possible.
  5. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Important Vehemence News!!!

    This shits gonna be metal as hell. But 2004 is a long damn time to wait. And do you know when Uncorrupted steel II comes out? The first one introduced me to this fine metal band you have here. :zombie:
  6. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    ...the hell?? They have it there, and its also an awesome place to find rare* cds. *rare being cd's that aren't mainstream shit.
  7. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant


    School Girls + Rain + Excessive Panty Shots + making out = Mute and enjoy
  8. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    opening for Deicide USA tour?

    Is it just me, or Do Nathan and Glen Benton look amazingly similar?
  9. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    opening for Deicide USA tour?

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Deicide And Vehemence on the same stage??? ofcourse this show will be coming to phoenix i imagine, do you have any tour dates as of yet????
  10. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    best death metal band - round 3

    Vehemence, hands down
  11. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    favorite vehemence songs

    1. Fantasy from pain 2.I didn't kill her 3.Christ, I Fucking hate you 4.Made For Her Jesus 5.God was created 6.any of the new songs, which i am yet to hear but am sure they kick ass.
  12. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Vehemence on Much Music USA today!

    boredom can really break a person down......
  13. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Vehemence on Much Music USA today!

    it comes on at like 4 in the afternoon on satellite, unfortunately i won't be home so it looks like the VCR will be set to auto record it everday until i see this..........
  14. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    age old question....

    I've been in this argument with my friends for the past week, and i was wondering what your guy's opinion on it was. whos better George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, or Chris Barnes?? my personal opinion is Corpsegrinder, Barnes was great in Cannibal Corpse, but Six Feet under is lame as hell.
  15. EnthroneDarknessTriumphant

    Top 10 Fav. Bands?

    1. Dimmu Borgir 2.Cannibal Corpse (post-barnes era:p ) 3.Decapitated 4.Lamb Of God 5.Vehemence 6.Primus/Flying Frog Brigade (les is a god) 7.Deicide 8.Tool 9.Extol 10. Opeth