Recent content by equilibriax

  1. E

    What do you mean by 'dynamic'?

    4. (used with a plural verb) variation and gradation in the volume of musical sound.
  2. E

    Are there any headphones that can replace monitors?

    haha really? sting? which albums are listenable?
  3. E

    How should i treat my room??

    Which thread has Moonlapse's traps? That is dirt cheap!
  4. E

    Just pulled the trigger on a new Mac Pro...

    I've been thinking about building my own quad core Hack Pro
  5. E

    Protecting your hard work!

    Sue them now.
  6. E

    Monitors Monitors Monitors

    I just got my Tascam VL-A5s delivered yesterday. Haven't even had a chance to unpack them yet.
  7. E

    F/S- a bunch of gear

    hey, i PMed you about the e609
  8. E

    Bang for the buck guitar amps?

    I have an Ampeg VH-140C that I got when I was in college in like 1998 for $400.
  9. E

    Trigger DFH from audiofiles (without drumagog)

    I'm a n00b: Is it possible to generate the midi file from Logic Express?
  10. E

    Alesis Multimix 16 firewire

    I had the Multimix 12FW for like 2 days. It was too hissy and did not run well with my Mac or PC. I traded it in for a Firepod which I love.
  11. E

    Black @ Metal

    Living Colour is my favorite black metal band.
  12. E

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    My friend has used the Studio Projects C4 (~$300/pair) in all of his projects and I really dig his recordings. I'm thinking about getting a pair for myself.
  13. E

    Headphones: Mixing?

    I use Shure e2c in-ear headphones and I always have Inspector open to make sure there's nothing going out of control on the low end (or anywhere).
  14. E

    Waves SSL vs. Channelstrip

    I think some other plugs got cracked too. URS maybe?
  15. E

    Anyone using Izotope Ozone's matching eq?

    I had no idea this existed to be honest. Ozone is such a memory hog that I barely ever use it.