Recent content by eRea

  1. eRea

    any comments on my mix?

    thank you for response! i've tried your suggestions. mix became better but i think i need a lot to do with it still
  2. eRea

    any comments on my mix?

    hi there dudes my first topic on this forum here i'm mixing my band's song. i'm a newbie in mixing. doing it on my PC, only vst. the song was recorded like: drums and bass were recorded in the same room all at once, with some acoustic shields. miced kick, snare etc. big muff bass with 2 mics...
  3. eRea

    Pearl Brass Snare Samples

    Aluminum high-tuned is really fckn tight and awesome
  4. eRea

    Massive Mixing Practice - Architects "Naysayer" - Multitracks For You!

    not sure if so much reverb on guitars is needed
  5. eRea

    Architects - Broken Cross Cover + Multis

    tha best band evah :heh: want to know what you guys think of my mix :)
  6. eRea

    New Keith Merrow KM7 Guitar Playthrough (with raws)

    Awesome metal :rock: Quick try
  7. eRea

    Magnificent Mixing Practice - I Am Singularity "Dream Scales" - Multitracks for you!

    Our try. Any comments appreciated :)
  8. eRea

    RIP Dime! Track inside.

    My fast mix Comments appreciated! :rock: ps. killer song!
  9. eRea

    Plastic Mind Frequencies FULL ALBUM STREAM [Progressive Metal-AxeFx2]

    Sound/music - awesome! Especially solos
  10. eRea

    Deathmetal-deathcore mix EPIC MASTER VOLUME

    I can say more - the whole drumkit sounds "strange"...
  11. eRea

    Brutal & raw sounding breakdown! (Grisly Gallows Kit)

    You nailed it, I think :)
  12. eRea

    Want practice augmenting drums, guitar tones, mixing and mastering? Files inside

    bass sounds awesome, what have you done with it?
  13. eRea

    Finished my Deathcore track.

    I think it doesn't sound dark. And it's more djent than deathcore :)
  14. eRea

    Want practice augmenting drums, guitar tones, mixing and mastering? Files inside

    As for me, your kick and snr sound like shit, i wish i had no problems with replacement :(