Recent content by erica

  1. erica

    Happy birthday, Ray!

    Hey sorry it's late but happy birthday:rock: hope you had a great one:kickass:
  2. erica

    Welcome to Imaginaerum!

    oh.yeah well i was just i'm sure it'll get more active with everything coming out and everything. i'm counting down the days..:lol:
  3. erica

    Welcome to Imaginaerum!

    kinda quiet here isn't it..:erk:
  4. erica

    Welcome to Imaginaerum!

    i'm always get excited when they put anything about the new album/movie...i'm glad everything is going well. especially with annette and her ribs.
  5. erica

    How did you discover Nightwish?

    how i discovered NW... i was in the mood for something different to listen to and was just browsing around and stumbled across them.glad i of my favorites to date.and they have a very unique sound that captures your attention. so they gained another fan :worship:
  6. erica

    Get to know your fellow nighwish fan

    hey,finally made to this i guess i should do i go :Spin: name:Erica age:22 located:georgia,U.S. hobbies:ummm...listening to music,i travel, and that's pretty much it. fave.bands:way too many to name, but to name a few-nightwish(of...